
An OpenGL 3.3 and C++ program that generates unique landscapes using Perlin Noise

Primary LanguageC++

Procedural Terrain Generator

An OpenGL 3.3 and C++ program that generates unique landscapes using Perlin Noise.



To build, you must have CMake installed. Start by creating a folder named build:

mkdir build
cd build

Select your generator and build, for Windows I usually use "Visual Studio 17 2022" or "MinGW Makefiles", as for Linux, I use "Unix Makfiles".

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" .
cmake --build .

Make sure that you run the executable from the root of the project or else the shaders and assets will fail to load.


  • glfw - for window management and input handling
  • glad - for loading OpenGL functions
  • glm - for linear algebra
  • stb_image - for image loading
  • imgui - for GUI
  • FastNoiseLite - for the GLSL implementation of Perlin Noise