
Primary LanguageVim Script

My personal dotfiles configured by Ansible.

I use them on following platforms:

  • Fedora
  • openSUSE
  • Debian
  • MacOS X
  • FreeBSD

Key components of my dev environment:

  • tmux
  • Vim
  • bash

Checklist - fresh OS X System

  • Install Command Line Tools

  • SSD related:

    • Enable trim if you use third party SSDs: sudo trimforce enable
    • disable local Time Machine snapthots: sudo tmutil disablelocal
  • change defalt shell to bash- chsh -s /bin/bash

  • provision using make

  • run apps in current session

    • Configure Caps Lock behaviour in System Preferences
    • Karabiner-Elements
    • Spectacle
    • Iterm2
  • To automate:

    • Minimize Dock

    • Disable mru sort

      • defaults write com.apple.dock mru-spaces -bool false
    • Create 6 workspaces