
OpenSSL encrypt/decrypt for ProcessWire

MIT LicenseMIT


OpenSSL encrypt/decrypt for ProcessWire

I'm in no way an expert in security. When you really need a secure script, do not use this module.

<?php namespace ProcessWire;

$text = 'Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. egestas eget quam.';

$cypher = $modules->get('WireCipher');

 * Default
$encrypted = $cypher->encrypt($text);
$decrypted = $cypher->decrypt($encrypted);
echo $decrypted . "<br>";

 * Query url
 * Allows huge text to be send encrypted using http_build_query(). Tested
 * with a string of 180.000 characters. 
$encrypted = $cypher->encryptToGetVars($text);
$decrypted = $cypher->decryptFromGetVars($encrypted);
echo $decrypted . "<br>";

 * urlSegments
$options = array(
	// Optional, throws when length encrypted text exceeds length urlSegments can handle.
	'throw' => true,
	// Optional, when set encrypted text will evenly shared over the number of segments given.
	'numSegments' => 5,
	// Optional defaults to string, other properties: WireInput and array
	'output' => 'string',

$encrypted = $cypher->encryptToUrlSegments($text, $options);
$decrypted = $cypher->decryptFromUrlSegments($encrypted);
echo $decrypted . "<br>";
