
Implementing a small subset of redis commands with Rust as an exercise.

Primary LanguageRust


A redis wannabe clone, with just a few commands focussing on performance, learning Tokio and performance profiling. It's an exercise.


# Debug (is way slower)
cargo run

# Release
cargo run --release

Supported commands

  • GET
  • SET
  • INFO (returns nothing but "OK")

Current benchmarks

benchmark readme

  • running official redis-server (Redis server v=5.0.7, currently latest on Ubuntu apt install)
  • vs. running rustdis cargo run --release

Benchmark: redis-benchmark -t set,get -n 1000000 -r 1000000 -c 1000

  • 1M requests for SET and GET
  • 1M random values
  • 1k concurrent banging clients

Current results (on my machine):

  • rustdis: ~73k/s (~81% redis performance)
  • redis-server: ~90k/s

Perf / Flamegraph

Install Flamegraph

cargo install flamegraph

Linux Kernel perf events

# with sudo
echo "kernel.perf_event_paranoid = -1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl --system


flamegraph ./target/release/rustdis

Performance Logs

Trial and error testing improvements:

  1. 🆗 increase buffer and channel sizes
  2. 🆗 make tokio channel unbound
  3. 🆗 using tokio::task::block_in_place instead of "spawn and join"
  4. 🆗 "bug" using tokio::mpsc::channel wrong with blocking thread
  5. 🆗 move shared state access into Processor
  6. 🆗 double-buffered read buffer 2-phase loop: 1. reading (empty buf), 2. sending/reading

Flamegraph investigation:

  1. 🔝 buffering socket writes to a phase (+8% req/s through-put)
  2. 🔜 WIP: optimize chatty unbound channel with buffered payloads (according to the flamegraph this might be the next bottleneck)

What didn't help (maybe will help at some time in the future):

  • 🔙 tweak rust compilation (see Cargo.toml)
  • 🔙 tokio increasing max blocking threads
  • 🔙 checking out different sync primitives mutex/rwlock
  • 🔙 key-partitioning sync primitives into 2, 4, 8, 128 parts