Forge port. Takes a screenshot of the game when you leave a world or server, and displays it when you rejoin it
- 0
The game crashes upon exiting.
#26 opened by CHEN-CHEN-X - 2
Frequent Alt + Tab crashing
#25 opened by OFABLE - 0
crash on reload
#24 opened by gjmhmm8 - 0
what happened to 1.20.1 version on curseforge?
#23 opened by knoxhack - 1
[1.18.2] Joining multiplayer via IPv6 and/or IPv4 with port causes crash due to invalid character ":" in filename
#22 opened by KxttyKxt - 2
Incompatiable with IPv6 address?? 1.18.2
#20 opened by HandsomeYDZ - 2
- 0
Panorama Screens Imcompability
#19 opened by DTech10 - 1
[1.19.3] With this mod installed when you get kicked from a sever the resolution is borked and you can't rejoin.
#14 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
- 0
No picture update after Alt+F4
#17 opened by Telezhka-the-First - 1
- 0
The background image of the loading screen is not displayed when joining the server with startup parameters
#15 opened by KiWinger - 0
Issue with LAN world
#13 opened by afolk2 - 1
- 0
loading into a server with a resource pack (From the server) uses the minecraft loading screen instead
#11 opened by EnderMelody - 1
[1.16] With mod installed, occasionally the 'saving world' screen will hang indefinitely.
#10 opened by ShibeTemple - 0
[1.18.1][Server] Failure message: Seamless Loading Screen (seamless_loading_screen) has failed to load correctly
#9 opened by Jkj61Abn - 6
- 0
- 1
Random crash while flying around world
#6 opened by nthxny - 2
Crash on startup
#5 opened by GeorgeOrwell1 - 2
Performance bug
#3 opened by Rosentti - 1
- 2
optifine "Show FPS" is visible in top left
#2 opened by cpm9 - 1