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Imperative style

The imperative paradigm is defined by a direct flow of control. This means you write your instructions line after line to tell step by step the computer what to do.

This way of coding is apparently the easiest to program with, but the lack of structure makes it quickly hard to work with, hard to read, understand and debug. It's the paradigm of old languages like Cobol, basic, pascal...

This is the difference between EASY and SIMPLE. This program realively easy to write, but it is not that simple to read, change and mantain.

What's my job ?

  1. Add Structure to this code with object oriented style of programming
  2. Ensure your objects are testable
  3. Separate business logic from supporting infrastructure, add all the necessary abstractions

Finished ...

When you're done submit the project and fill the contact form in Exo2 field.