
Evaluates to which degree Peass is able to identify performance regressions

Primary LanguageJava


This repository evaluates to which degree Peass is able to identify performance regressions in the application server jetty.

It is assumed that $PROJECTFOLDER is your local jetty folder (execute git clone https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project.git to get the project) and that you have built the evaluation project (mvn clean package). Additionally, it is assumed that you can transfer the experimental repository using $MYURL (e.g. you could create a GitHub repository and and replace $MYURL by this repository).

Tree Reading

If you want to execute all steps, do cd scripts/treeCreation && ./getTrees.sh $PROJECTFOLDER.

If you want to execute (and potentially debug) single steps, execute the following steps:

  • Instrument your project folder running java -cp target/jetty-evaluation-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar de.dagere.peassEvaluation.ExecutionPreparer $PROJECTFOLDER
  • Generate the jmh jar by mvn -V -B clean install -DskipTests -Dlicense.skip -Denforcer.skip -Dcheckstyle.skip -T6 -e -pl :jetty-jmh -am
  • Execute the trace creation by cp src/main/resources/getTrees.sh $PROJECTFOLDER/ && cd $PROJECTFOLDER && ./getTrees.sh
  • Analyse the traces running java -cp target/jetty-evaluation-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar de.dagere.peassEvaluation.GetTrees -projectFolder $PROJECTFOLDER -dataFolder $PROJECTFOLDER/tree-results/

Regression Injection

  • Reset the project (e.g. using cd $PROJECTFOLDER && git reset --hard)
  • Run java -cp target/jetty-evaluation-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar de.dagere.peassEvaluation.RegressionInjector -projectFolder $PROJECTFOLDER -dataFolder $PROJECTFOLDER/tree-results to inject performance regression in your local repository. A file called regressions.csv will be created, which contains a list of the branch with the regression (e.g. regression-0) and the benchmark that is affected (e.g. org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.jmh.EWYKBenchmark)
  • Commit the repository and make it usable for measurement in your measurement slaves, usually by creating a new repository and calling git remote add experimentrepo $MYURL

Measurement with JMH

  • Clone your measurement version using git clone $MYURL to the local $PROJECTFOLDER on your measurement slave.
  • Execute the measurement. This can either be done using start.sh if you got a slurm cluster available, or manually. If you want to execute the measurement manually, take each line and set $regression to the first column of the line file (e.g. export regression=regression-0) and $benchmark to the second column of the line (e.g. export benchmark=org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.jmh.EWYKBenchmark), and then execute the measurements by calling src/main/resources/runEvaluation.sh (you will need to adapt the $PATH and the url that is cloned).

Measurement with Peass

If you have a slurm cluster available, where you can reserve nodes exclusively, we recommend to run startOnSlurm.sh (and adapt the path to maven and Java in runOnSlurm.sh).

If you do not have a slurm cluster, you can start the measurement by run.sh, setting the regressions you want to analyze, e.g. {1..100} in the for loop.

This requires gawk (mawk will not work).