
Demonstrates under what circumstances Maven and Gradle are capable of selection of parameterized runs

Primary LanguageJava

This project demonstrates problems with selection of JUnit 4 / 5 parameterized tests.

According to https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/examples/single-test.html and https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_testing.html, the selection of parameterized runs should be possible using the index, like [1], or with wildcard for all, like [*].

The following configurations work:

  • Gradle and JUnit 4 without junit-vintage-engine: ./gradlew -i clean test --tests *ExampleTestJUnit4.test[1]

The following configurations do not work

  • Maven and JUnit 4: mvn clean test -Dtest=*ExampleTestJUnit4#test[1]
  • Maven and JUnit 5: mvn clean test -Dtest=*ExampleTestJUnit5#test[1]
  • Gradle and JUnit 5: ./gradlew -b buildJUnit5.gradle -i clean test --tests *ExampleTestJUnit5.test[1]
  • Gradle and JUnit 4 with junit-vintage-engine: ./gradlew -b buildJUnit5.gradle -i clean test --tests *ExampleTestJUnit4.test[1]

All configurations run without the [1] at the end of the selector, so it seems like its the selector itself. Using [*] does not solve the problem.