Live coding practice interview question


This is a FullStack Todo Application, the client is based on Todo MVC

  • Stack:
    • Client: Basic jQuery selectors, event-handlers, DOM manipulation and AJAX
    • Web Server: Node and Express with Mongoose
    • Database: Mongo hosted by MLab
    • Tests: Mocha, Chai, Chai-Http and Chai-Spies

The "Rules"

You should attempt to complete this challenge without looking at any other resources such as googling, stack-overflow, documentation or course materials. However, you may look at any of the files in the project including the schema in the models.js file and the integration tests in test/server.test.js and you may ask the interviewer clarifying questions at any point.

3 Lifelines

  • If you get stuck, you have 3 lifelines (like "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire")
      1. Online documentation - browse Express, Mongoose, Chai, Chai-Http docs
      1. Interview Hint - Ask the interviewer for a hint
      1. Google search - one time google search including stack-overflow and docs


  • Go to and create a new Sandbox database
  • Create a User for this database:
    • Click "Users" tab and then click "Add database user"
    • Enter "Username" and "Password"
  • Copy the mongodb://... URI to the .env file in this project
  • Open the "Logs" in this project
  • You should see output from 10 integration tests, some will be failing.


  • Create a new file name todosRouter.js
  • Move all the endpoints from server.js to todosRouter.js
  • Require the proper modules into todosRouter.js and export the router
  • In server.js, mount the router on /v1/todos/ path (aka mount point).
  • Remember to update the paths on the router files.

You have completed the task when all the unit tests pass and the client application works without any errors.