
Primary LanguageJavaScript


bundle rake db:create rake db:migrate

gitHired is a website that combines linkedin and github profiles into a single resume page. Employers can visit your page and connect with you over multiple social media platforms for hiring purposes!

Users are required to login to linkedin and enter a github username to access the website. The first time a user logs in, github repos and linkedin profile information (such as experience, skills, education, job history, etc.) will be autofilled into the database. User can edit all information that is pulled in. More information WILL NOT be pulled in from linkedin on next logins. Github information WILL be pulled on EVERY login.

UI is done in foundation with custom css.

Contributors to the project: Daniel Harris Caleb Atwood Jessica Koch Alexandra Hanley Hayley Blackstock

Heroku: https://git-hired.herokuapp.com/


User Table:

Name: string
Linkedin_id: integer
email: string
twitter: string
github: string
phone: int
bio: string

Other tables?
