
Playing with REST

Primary LanguageJava


Experimental program to play with REST (Representational State Transfer) functionality. Includes RESTFUL server WebApp as well as simple java client. The program uses Jersey as library for REST functionality.


Checks if a passed in string via URL is a palindrome and outputs accordingly with the ability to provide different output formats such as plain text, XML, HTML.


  • Retrieve the source code via zip or git clone
  • Import into e.g. Eclipse as existing project or new Dynamic Web Project:
    • New Dynamic Web Project approach:
      • Set Dynamic Web Module 2.5 and Java 1.6 (Project > Properties > Project Facets)
      • Adjust Project > Properties > Targeted Runtime > Server to the Server of your choice.
    • Existing project approach:
      • Adjust Project > Properties > Targeted Runtime > Server to the Server of your choice.
      • Maybe the JDK version (Project > Properties > Java Compiler > Compiler Compliance Level) has to be reset to 1.6



Deploy and run on server. Tested with Apache Tomcat 6.0.35.


Run ClientTest in the project as java application (Right-click on de.janhendriks.rest.client.ClientTest.java > Run As > Java Application) and watch the output of the program.

The web browser can also be used as client, where the URL is [HOST]:[PORT]/[BASEURL]/palindrom/[INPUTSTRING]

Possible command-line arguments: -host [address] -port [port] -baseurl [baseurl] [values]

Default command-line arguments: -host -port 8080 -baseurl RestTest testset


Jan Hendriks (dahoc3150 [at] gmail.com)

Terms of use

This program is to be used as an example and is provided on an "as-is" basis without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Use at your own risk. For used third-party software, refer to their respective terms of use and licensing