
scrapes novels dynamically with YAML configuration files

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Application to scrape novels and convert them into EPUB files based on YAML configuration files.


  • Calibre - cross-platform open-source suite of e-book software.

This dependency is required to fix encoding errors, image compression and to keep latest standards (ebook-polish of it has to be callable)


You can simply pass the configuration file you want to process by either dropping them onto the binary or by passing it in the command line.
On passing folders to the binary it'll process all available .yaml files from within folder.

  scraper [file 1] [file 2] ... [flags]
  scraper [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  update      update the application

  -h, --help               help for scraper
  -v, --verbosity string   log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic) (default "info")
      --version            version for scraper


To be compatible with most use cases a lot of configurations are possible for the extraction of the e-book source. Only a few keys are actually required though, so you can generate valid Epub files with a minimal configuration already.

Most minimal configuration with at least 1 chapter would be:

  title: [string][required]
  author: [string][required]
  - chapter:
      url: [string][required]
        title-selector: [string][required]
        content-selector: [string][required]

You can also find multiple real usage example configurations in the examples folder.


Metadata and Table of Content related information for the generated Epub file.

All available configuration options:

  # title of the generated Epub
  title: [string][required]
  # sub title of the generated Epub
  alt-title: [string]
  # author of the generated Epub
  author: [string][required]
  # description of the generated Epub
  description: [string]
  # cover image, can be either a file path or an URL to an image
  cover: [string]
  # language of the generated Epub
  language: [string]
  # link to the original novel
  raw: [string]
  # translators to be mentioned and linked in the Table of Content page
    - # displayed name of the translator
      name: [string]
      # URL to link the displayed name to
      url: [string]


Optional section with the intention to single out the chapter title and content settings by the domain. Especially useful in case single chapters are getting added in the chapters section.
Redirects are only configurable in this section. Each redirect configuration is only used if the chapter host matches the site configuration host. If we get redirected to a different host it'll also use use the site configuration of the new host.

All available configuration options:

  - # host of site
    host: [string][required]
    # possible redirects, it'll try to follow them as deep as possible, else it'll use the next closes URL
    redirects: [list of strings]
    # configurations related to the wayback machine in case the website doesn't exist anymore
      # to enable or disable the usage of the wayback machine, default value is false
      use: [boolean]
      # version of the wayback machine to use:
      # 0 is the oldest entry
      # 2 is the newest entry
      version: [integer]
    # optional configuration in case the Table of Content has multiple pages
      # should extracted chapters be reversed?
      # allows newest -> oldest navigation to work with unknown amount of pages
      reverse-posts: [boolean]
      # CSS selector to the next page, has to point to an element with an "href" attribute
      next-page-selector: [string]
    # required configurations to extract the chapter titles
      # will add a "Chapter [index+1] - " to the title if true
      add-prefix: [boolean]
      # CSS selector for the title
      title-selector: [string][required]
      # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of prefix
      # cut off will only occur at first match, so use 2x same prefix if you want to select after the 2nd occurrence
      prefix-selectors: [list of strings]
      # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of suffix
      # cut off will only occur after first match, so use 2x same suffix if you want to select before 2nd last occurrence
      suffix-selectors: [list of strings]
      # option to further strip the extracted title from unwanted content using regular expressions
      # requires the capture group "Title"
      strip-regex: [string]
      # option to remove content from title using regular expressions
      # everything matching will be replaced with empty string
      cleanup-regex: [string]
    # required configuration to extract the chapter content
      # CSS selector for the chapter content
      content-selector: [string][required]
      # option to further strip the extracted chapter from unwanted content using regular expressions
      # requires the capture group "Content"
      strip-regex: [string]
      # option to remove content from chapter content using regular expressions
      # everything matching will be replaced with empty string
      cleanup-regex: [string]
      # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of prefix
      # cut off will only occur at first match, so use 2x same prefix if you want to select after the 2nd occurrence
      prefix-selectors: [list of strings]
      # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of suffix
      # cut off will only occur after first match, so use 2x same suffix if you want to select before 2nd last occurrence
      suffix-selectors: [list of strings]


Contains the configuration where to extract chapters from. Either direct links to chapters (chapter) of links to Table of Content (toc) pages are available.
One element can't have both chapter and toc at the same time since the order of the chapters would be unknown. Just append them each as one chapter source.
If no configuration is set for title-content and chapter-content it'll use the related site configuration if set. If chapter source and related site are both configured the chapter source configuration will be preferred over the site configuration.

All available configuration options:

  # table of content element where we can extract chapters from
  - toc:
      # URL to extract chapters from (and starting point of the navigation if set)
      url: [string][required]
      # CSS selector to the chapter link, has to point to an element with an "href" attribute
      # redirects are possible with the site configuration (for f.e. blog post -> chapter links)
      chapter-selector: [string][required]
      # optional configuration in case the Table of Content has multiple pages
        # should extracted chapters be reversed?
        # allows newest -> oldest navigation to work with unknown amount of pages
        reverse-posts: [boolean]
        # CSS selector to the next page, has to point to an element with an "href" attribute
        next-page-selector: [string]
      # required configurations to extract the chapter titles
        # will add a "Chapter [index+1] - " to the title if true
        add-prefix: [boolean]
        # CSS selector for the title
        title-selector: [string][required]
        # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of prefix
        # cut off will only occur at first match, so use 2x same prefix if you want to select after the 2nd occurrence
        prefix-selectors: [list of strings]
        # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of suffix
        # cut off will only occur after first match, so use 2x same suffix if you want to select before 2nd last occurrence
        suffix-selectors: [list of strings]
        # option to further strip the extracted title from unwanted content using regular expressions
        # requires the capture group "Title"
        strip-regex: [string]
        # option to remove content from title using regular expressions
        # everything matching will be replaced with empty string
        cleanup-regex: [string]
      # required configuration to extract the chapter content
        # CSS selector for the chapter content
        content-selector: [string][required]
        # option to further strip the extracted chapter from unwanted content using regular expressions
        # requires the capture group "Content"
        strip-regex: [string]
        # option to remove content from chapter content using regular expressions
        # everything matching will be replaced with empty string
        cleanup-regex: [string]
        # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of prefix
        # cut off will only occur at first match, so use 2x same prefix if you want to select after the 2nd occurrence
        prefix-selectors: [list of strings]
        # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of suffix
        # cut off will only occur after first match, so use 2x same suffix if you want to select before 2nd last occurrence
        suffix-selectors: [list of strings]

  # chapter element, direct link to the chapter
  - chapter:
      # direct link to the chapter, redirects possible with the site configuration (for f.e. blog post -> chapter links)
      url: [string][required]
      # required configurations to extract the chapter titles
        # will add a "Chapter [index+1] - " to the title if true
        add-prefix: [boolean]
        # CSS selector for the title
        title-selector: [string][required]
        # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of prefix
        # cut off will only occur at first match, so use 2x same prefix if you want to select after the 2nd occurrence
        prefix-selectors: [list of strings]
        # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of suffix
        # cut off will only occur after first match, so use 2x same suffix if you want to select before 2nd last occurrence
        suffix-selectors: [list of strings]
        # option to further strip the extracted title from unwanted content using regular expressions
        # requires the capture group "Title"
        strip-regex: [string]
        # option to remove content from title using regular expressions
        # everything matching will be replaced with empty string
        cleanup-regex: [string]
      # required configuration to extract the chapter content
        # CSS selector for the chapter content
        content-selector: [string][required]
        # option to further strip the extracted chapter from unwanted content using regular expressions
        # requires the capture group "Content"
        strip-regex: [string]
        # option to remove content from chapter content using regular expressions
        # everything matching will be replaced with empty string
        cleanup-regex: [string]
        # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of prefix
        # cut off will only occur at first match, so use 2x same prefix if you want to select after the 2nd occurrence
        prefix-selectors: [list of strings]
        # possibility to narrow down title selection by cutting of suffix
        # cut off will only occur after first match, so use 2x same suffix if you want to select before 2nd last occurrence
        suffix-selectors: [list of strings]


You can blacklist URLs of which no chapter data will be extracted. This is useful if you use multiple hosts to extract chapters which may overlap with each other. The blacklist will also be checked during the redirect checks.


blacklist: [list of strings]


The assets section contains information about the assets included in the generated .epub file. Added assets will be included in every added chapter automatically.

    # path relative to YAML file to the CSS file used in the generated Epub
    path: [string]
    # path relative to YAML file to the font file used in the generated Epub
    path: [string]


In case of some renamed domains or the like you have the possibility to replace found URIs. This also applies for redirects and can be configured in the replacements section of the YAMl configuration:

  # list of replacements
    # url is the found URI to be redirected
  - url: [string]
    # replacement is the URI to replace the found URI with
    replacement: [string]


Aside from the CSS and font files you can also modify the used templates to create your own individually styled epub. These can be configured in the templates section of the YAML configuration:

  # all configurations related to the table of content
    # this is the full HTML page template of the table of content page
    content: [string]
    # alt title template used as sub headline
    alt-title: [string]
    # this is the HTML string of the chained list of translators
    translator: [string]
  # all configurations related to the HTML content of the extracted chapters
    # this is the full HTML page template of the extracted chapter pages
    content: [string]
    # chapter title used in chapter displays (title/headline/optional ToC content)
    title: [string]

Every template can use multiple variables using the template Syntax {{.variableName}}.


Name Description Related Configuration
title Title of the generated Epub general.title
altTitle Alternative Title/Subtitle generated from the templates.toc.alt-title template -
rawUrl URL to the untranslated chapters general.raw
author Author name general.author
toc Table of Contents, generated from the chapter list, this variable is not used by default -
translators List of translators using the templates.toc.translator template -
epubScraperCredits Credit for the Epub Scraper project including link to the repository -


    <div class="center">
        <p><a href="{{.rawUrl}}">Original Webnovel</a> by {{.author}}</p>
    <div class="small-font bottom-align center">
        <p>Visit the translators at:<br/>


Name Description Related Configuration
altTitle Alternative Title general.alt-title


    <i>- {{.altTitle}} -</i>


Name Description Related Configuration
translatorURL URL to Website of the Translator general.translators.[i].url
translatorName Name of the Translator/Translator Group general.translators.[i].name


<a href="{{.translatorURL}}">{{.translatorName}}</a>


Name Description
chapterTitle Title Text of the Chapter generated with the chapter.title template
content HTML Content of the Chapter


<div class="left" style="text-align:left;text-indent:0;">


Name Description
chapterIndex Numeric index of the chapter starting with 1
chapterTitle Title Text extracted from the chapter


Chapter {{.chapterIndex}} - {{.chapterTitle}}


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details