
Examples of Hedera SmartContracts

Primary LanguageSolidity

Step 1 npm install

Step 2 rename env.Example to .env

Step 3 Create a ECDSA account on: https://portal.hedera.com/

Step 4 install MetaMask: https://metamask.io/

Step 5 add Hedera To your MetaMask: https://chainlist.org/?testnets=true&search=hedera

Step 6 Go to https://remix.ethereum.org/ and in ENVIRONMENT select Injected Provider - MetaMask

Step 7 Copy Examples and Hedera folders to your remix

Step 8 Deploy your SmartContract using remix to Hedera Network

Step 9 on https://hashscan.io/testnet/dashboard search for your contract address and check the results

Step 10 Happy SmartContract

json-rpc-connections: https://docs.hedera.com/hedera/tutorials/more-tutorials/json-rpc-connections