To start the project, the following steps

Backend Setup (Laravel): Install Laravel: If you haven't already, you can use Composer to create a new Laravel project. Make sure you have Composer installed:

composer create-project laravel/laravel blog-crud Navigate to the Project Directory:

cd blog-crud Create a Controller and Model for Blog Posts:

php artisan make:controller BlogPostController php artisan make:model BlogPost Create a Migration for the Blog Posts Table:

php artisan make:migration create_blog_posts_table Edit the migration file to define the title, content, author, and publication_date fields in the up method.

Run Migrations:

php artisan migrate Set Up Routes and Controller Actions: Define API routes and implement controller actions for CRUD operations in routes/api.php.

Set Up Validation and Error Handling: Implement Laravel's form validation and error handling in your controller.

Implement Pagination: Use Laravel's built-in pagination for the blog posts list.

Create a .env File: Configure your database connection settings in the .env file.

Give the Database name as :- blog

Start the Laravel Development Server:

php artisan serve

Frontend Setup (React): Create a New React App:

You can use Create React App to set up a new React project.

npx create-react-app blog-frontend Navigate to the React Project Directory: cd blog-frontend

Create React Components: Create React components for listing blog posts, viewing details, creating, updating, and deleting blog posts.

Set Up Routing: Use a routing library (e.g., react-router-dom) to create routes for different pages.

Implement API Calls: fetch to make API calls to your Laravel backend.

Implement Form Validation: Implement form validation for creating and updating blog posts.

Handle Errors: Implement error handling for API requests and display appropriate error messages to users.

Start the React Development Server:

npm start