
Modified Quake 3 Engine with Python 3.8 Embedded

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Building on Windows using Windows Subsystem for Linux
1) Install Python 3.8 and install the libraries from requirements.txt by "pip install -r requirements.txt"

2) Install Ubuntu 18.04 from Microsoft Store

3) Run Ubuntu and update + install the following packages

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt dist-upgrade
    sudo apt install make
    sudo apt install bison
    sudo apt install libc6-dev-i386
    sudo apt install gcc-mingw-w64

4) cd to the iodfe source folder. For example:

    cd /mnt/d/Libraries/Documents/pycharmprojects/Defrag-Scripting/Quake3e-2019-11-29

5) run make
(make sure PYTHON points to your windows installation of python, escaping spaces with \)
(make sure PYTHONSOURCES points to the python source folder, relative to the folder in step 4)
(make sure PYTHONLIBS points to all the required python libs source folders, relative to the folder in step 4)

    make PLATFORM="mingw32" CC="x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" ARCH="x86_64" PYTHON="/mnt/d/Program\ Files/Python/Python38" CLIENT_EXTRA_FILES="../python/callbacks.py ../python/constants.py ../python/handles.py ../python/helpers.py ../python/structs.py ../python/scripts_record_playback.py ../python/g.py ../python/scripts_basic.py ../python/scripts_base_classes.py ../python/scripts_bot.py ../python/scripts_final.py ../python/scripts_start.py"

new: pythonsources and pythonlibs dont work yet
  make PLATFORM="mingw32" CC="x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc" ARCH="x86_64" PYTHON="/mnt/d/Program\ Files/Python/Python38" PYTHONSOURCES="../python/" PYTHONLIBS="../venv/Lib/site-packages/keyboard/"

6) after building create a shortcut with a target like this (the physics and map to load can be changed, but the other settings are required)

D:\Libraries\Documents\pycharmprojects\Defrag-Scrivpting\Quake3e-2019-11-29\build\release-mingw32-x86_64\quake3e.x64.exe +set fs_game defrag +set vm_cgame 2 +set df_gametype 5 +set pmove_fixed 1 +set pmove_msec 8 +set g_synchronousclients 0 +vq3 nicewalk-nowall

    If there's an error related to "VersionHelpers.h" when compiling Q3E, find and replace each occurrence with "versionhelpers.h" (without capitals)