HTTP/3 implementation inside Chromium built on top of bnk.
Windows has not been tested and there will likely be a few issues that have to be fixed to get this working on Windows.
Follow Chromium's instructions to get Chromium's code ( until the 'Setting up the build' section.
Add this github fork as a second remote:
git remote add fork
Fetch and checkout the iquic branch:
git fetch fork iquic git checkout iquic
Sync Chromium's third party dependencies:
gclient sync
Generate ninja build files:
gn gen out/default
To get faster builds, run
gn args out/default
and write the following args:is_debug = false is_component_build = true enable_nacl = false blink_symbol_level = 0 symbol_level = 1
These flags are explained in the 'Faster Builds' section in Chromium's get-the-code documentation.
Build the chrome target:
autoninja -C out/default chrome
Run the resulting chrome executable, specifying the iquic version and forcing quic to be used on every website:
out/default/chrome --quic-version=IQUIC_DRAFT_22 --origin-to-force-quic-on='*' --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs