Quickstart for desktop and html playn artemis-odb based jam games.
=== When to use this ===
If you want to use artemis-odb with playn, this quickstart should help you get things set up. Just look at the commits what was changed.
=== Library Versions ===
PlayN 1.8.5 and Artemis-ODB 0.6.5-SNAPSHOT (Versions can be changed in /build.gradle)
=== License ===
This quickstart is based on the playn official hello world example, released under Apache License 2.0.
playn-samples on code.google.com
=== Special note on Reflection ===
GWT lacks reflection so the build process creates a reflection cache. To use
make sure your components, managers and systems are placed under
the premade component, manager and system packages.
=== Details ===
A quick summary of the steps required to include artemis in playn gwt builds:
<inherits name='com.artemis.backends.artemis_backends_gwt' />
- add
<extend-configuration-property name="artemis.reflect.include" value="playn.sample.hello.core.manager" />
for each package with components and systems (needed for@Wire
- artemis pom dependencies + source.
- 2.6.0 gwt pom dependency.
- Maven plugin tweaks (required for the reflection helper for artemis-odb)
Check commits on this project for step by step instructions.