
Autograder for use in grading first year iBioMed Python assignments.

Primary LanguagePython

1P10 Autograder User Guide

Step 1: Setup

Ensure the following items are setup properly

  • A class list .csv file downloaded from your Brightspace Learning Management System (e.g., Avenue to Learn)

  • A /MMXX_submissions folder containing all student submissions

    • Student submissions are expected to be of the form MMXX_studentID_Student?.py
      • For example, MM04_abdulazd_StudentA.py or MM05_awani3.py
      • Where XX is a two digit number
      • Where ? represents a letter from A to Z
      • Where _Student? (e.g., _StudentA) refers to a "student type;" an optional identifier that can be used to differentiate between different types of students who have different assigned questions for an assignment
  • A MMXX_solutions.py solutions file for the methods being tested in assignment MMXX

    • Contains solutions for all methods in assignment MMXX across student types
  • A MMXX_test_Student?.py Pytest test file containing boilerplate code for the test harness as well as PyTest tests for testing the functions seen in MMXX_solutions.py

    • All student types found in the submissions folder must have respective test files present
    • Boilerplate code is provided below:
import pytest
import unittest.mock as mock

def assignment_module():

def solutions_module():

def module():
    return assignment_module()

def solutions():
    return solutions_module()

# Mocking print and input as fixtures since they're used often
def mock_print():
    with mock.patch("builtins.print") as mock_print:
        yield mock_print

def mock_input():
    with mock.patch("builtins.input") as mock_input:
        yield mock_input


Step 2: Running the Autograder

  • Open your command line within the directory containing _main.py and run the following command:
    • python _main.py <prefix>
      • Where <prefix> refers to the "prefix" of the assignment (e.g., MM04)


The Autograder will:

  1. Create output text files for each student submission within the submission directory
  2. Create a <prefix>_grades.csv file, calculating the grades for all students in the class list csv, assigning a grade of zero to those who did not submit files or did not submit files that were properly recognized by the autograder
  3. Create a <prefix>_mail_merge.csv file which can be used to send a mail merge email to all students (emails are generated from based on their Brightspace username)
    1. Includes each student's grade for the assignment <prefix> as a fraction
  4. Insert the student's grade as a multi-line comment in their original Python file