Signature App!

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

This Flutter project is a simple signature app that allows users to draw signatures on the screen and perform various actions such as changing background color, changing pen color, undoing and redoing actions, downloading the signature as a PNG image, and clearing the signature pad.


  • Change background color
  • Change pen color
  • Undo and redo actions
  • Download signature as PNG image
  • Clear signature pad

Getting Started

To get started with this Flutter project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project in your preferred IDE or text editor.
  3. Ensure you have Flutter installed on your machine. If not, refer to the official Flutter installation guide.
  4. Run flutter pub get to install dependencies.
  5. Run the project on your preferred device or simulator by executing flutter run.


Once the app is running, you can use the following functionalities:

  • Changing Background Color: Tap on the background color picker to choose a different background color for the signature pad.
  • Changing Pen Color: Tap on the pen color picker to select a different color for drawing.
  • Undo and Redo: Use the undo and redo buttons to reverse or restore drawing actions.
  • Download Signature: Tap on the download button to save the signature as a PNG image to your device.
  • Clear Signature Pad: Tap on the clear button to erase the current signature and start over.


This project utilizes the following dependencies:

  • get: State management and dependency injection library for Flutter.
  • signature: A Flutter plugin to capture and render digital signatures.
  • flutter_colorpicker: A color picker for Flutter, used for selecting pen colors.
  • permission_handler: A Flutter plugin for requesting permissions on Android and iOS.


If you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request. Your contributions are welcomed!