
Selfbot which gains currencies from other bots automatically.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Information & Installation

For any errors or if any bot owners fix their bot let me know so that I can update the selfbot.

Download the repo as a zip file, extract it to desktop, open cmd and use cd path/to/folder, npm install & then it should be working. Keep in mind that discord.js@11.5.1 needs to be installed, latest version won't work.


Currently trying to finish auto-play version of the bot, will be done as soon as I have time. Auto-Grab works perfectly fine (at least from what i've seen).


Works perfectly fine, I've gotten banned before but how their anti-selfbot system works is that they check if you type the same command at the same timestamp as you used the command before, however sleep(Math.random() * (2000 - 1000) + 1000) will always have a random time and will bypass that. Unless you're really unlucky, I will be adding an mp3 file that will open and be loud as fuck when OwO bot dms you a captcha to finish.


Works perfectly fine, never gotten banned using it and I don't even think they have an anti-selfbot system, makes 100k/24h.


Currently trying to finish auto-play version of the bot, will be done as soon as I have time. Auto-Pick works perfectly fine (at least from what i've seen)


Absolutely terrible, will only guess based on an array that I have. Because I was too lazy to actually make my own reverse-image-search api. But it will still guess at least.


Works for now, I guess? Will give you Invalid Code if the request fails.

Giveaway Sniper

Works, will react on giveaways that are created in servers. (might add so that it tells you if you won, but you already get tagged in chat so there's no point).