
The AI computing platform for medical devices

NVIDIA Clara™ Holoscan

NVIDIA Clara™ Holoscan is the AI computing platform for medical devices that combines hardware systems for low-latency sensor and network connectivity, optimized libraries for data processing and AI, and core microservices to run streaming, imaging, and other applications, from embedded to edge to cloud. It consists of:

Clara Holoscan Software

Clara Holoscan Developer Kits

  • NVIDIA Clara AGX Developer Kit (Jetson AGX Xavier™, RTX™ 6000 GPU, ConnectX® SmartNIC)
  • NVIDIA IGX Orin Developer Kit (AGX Orin™, RTX™ A6000 GPU, ConnectX® SmartNIC)

Performance Tools

Collection of tools to help measure performance of the Holoscan platform (software and hardware).

Visit the NVIDIA Developer Page to learn more about Clara Holoscan and get started today.