
Make rhasspy voice assistant tell you the weather

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

rhasspy Weather

A python script that can make rhasspy voice assistant tell the weather.

Found a bug?

Just open an issue and supply me with the sentence that produced the bug. If you are not sure if it is a bug or if you just have a question, you can also post in the rhasspy forum thread for this project.

Python Versions

This project is tested on python 3.7. As of now python 3.9 is incompatible.

Table of Contents


The setup instructions have been moved to the project wiki.

Instructions for

If you run into trouble using those instructions or you find they are unclear, please contact me so I can fix it.


If everything is set up you can query the weather:


  • Wie wird das Wetter morgen abend?
  • Brauche ich heute einen Regenschirm?
  • Wird es am 31. März kalt?
  • Wie ist das Wetter heute?
  • Regnet es morgen in Berlin?


  • How is the weather tomorrow in London?
  • Do I need an umbrella?
  • How cold is it tomorrow evening in London?
  • Will it be warm on 31. March?


Some helpful things needed to know for development.

Project Structure

(needs updating, refer to github)

|--- rhasspy_weather                # this is actually in the github project
     |--- api                       # all weather api's go here
          |--- openweathermap.py    # default api
     |--- data_types                # basically tons of custom classes saving data
          |--- condition.py         
          |--- config.py            # config file is parsed here
          |--- forecast.py
          |--- interval.py
          |--- item.py
          |--- item_list.py
          |--- location.py
          |--- report.py
          |--- request.py           # this is what a parser outputs
          |--- status.py            # status and error handling
     |--- languages                 # language files go here
          |--- german.py
          |--- english.py
     |--- output
          |--- hass_json.py         # adds a speech part to the input json to be read by rhasspy
          |--- mqtt.py              # sends the answer per mqtt
     |--- parser                    # parsers go here
          |--- rhasspy_intent.py
     |--- slot_programs             # slot program generating rhasspy slots from language files
          |--- conditions
          |--- items
          |--- named_days
          |--- named_times
          |--- output.log           # output from slot_programs ends up here
          |--- temperatures
     |--- config.default
     |--- rhasspy_weather.py        # basically the main of the script (do only call from outside)
     |--- utils.py                  # misc functions that are used by more than one data_type
|--- custom_commands.py # the script rhasspy calls that uses this project
|--- output.log         # the file all logs land in (if my example custom_commands.py is used


(needs updating also, I might have done more than I remember doing)

  • Rework the item system for requests
    • add custom item class saving name, grammar information and condition type
      • properly format item for output
      • output conditions it can be useful in
    • write wrapper class to hold those items
      • find if item is in list
      • (maybe) list items by condition
      • export items to rhasspy slot program
    • while at it, add in new item types (there are types in my rhasspy slot the logic does not now and parts in the logic that rhasspy does not know)
    • actually use the new item system
      • replace function from language files
      • add in new condition types
      • actually use ConditionType for conditions
      • add ConditionType.SUN and ConditionType.STARS to make asking after sun and sunny items easier
      • rework answers to (optionally) use a generalized answer that has a slot for the condition
  • (maybe) add a dict full of aliases for weather conditions to language files and import everything in it as rhasspy slot program as well as map those aliases to conditions (similar to named_days and named_times aliases)
  • (maybe) export named_days, named_times and their aliases as slot program
  • rewrite the logic for a detailed weather report (and remove the last hardcoded language stuff with that)
  • add in logic for ConditionType.WIND
    • add wind as an extra WeatherCondition
      • figure out a wind speed to severity conversion
      • figure out how to write a custom description for wind (owm does not do that for me) and translate that
      • add filter functionality to only add certain conditions to answers (I do not want to hear about a mild wind in my daily weather report)
    • define and use items that are useful for wind
    • make it possible to ask about wind condition
  • add output system to define how this script outputs
    • rhasspy hass.io json (current way)
    • extended json (add in an output part to json containing the answer to the question as well as some information) (can be done with the new template system)
    • mqtt
    • rhasspy_hermes-app (called return)
    • rhasspy web api tts
  • add parsers for more than rhasspy local command script
  • clean up code
    • remove all comments referencing snips
    • replace comments documenting functions with pydoc strings
    • add documentation for everything that has none
    • figure out a way to have the config globally accessible without having to import it inside functions because it is not initialized otherwise
    • cleaning up imports in general
    • move definition for warm and cold from language files to config file
    • find every not implemented feature that could be implemented (StatusCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR)
    • fix asking for sun at night error
  • clean up on the rhasspy side of things
    • clean up sentences for rhasspy and add some
    • make asking about stars possible
    • find some way to ask about a clear sky
    • offer an English translation for rhasspy sentences
  • add to this readme
    • table of contents
    • file structure graph
    • rewrite most of the text
      • add better introduction
      • add better explanation for setup
      • add explanation of config
      • rewrite functionality part (removed it instead)
      • split setup explanation into 2.4 and 2.5