
Converts AWS SVG's into dia .shape files

Primary LanguageMakefile

AWS Simple Icons for dia

This provides Dia AWS Simple Icons shapes.

Some other people like https://github.com/kazuhisya/dia-aws-simple-icons made some scripts but none seemed to work properly. My script is a lot simpler. Granted, it simply throws away icons with spaces. There's only 2 right now, and i don't need 'em anyway. Just do it already. I just want some icons...

System Requirements

  • dia
  • ImageMagick (convert command)
  • ruby (rexml/document, it is included in the standard Ruby distribution.)


$ git clone https://github.com/pieterlange/aws-dia-shapes
$ cd aws-dia-shapes
$ ./doit.sh
~~ optionally if you aborted ~~
$ cat ./.outputs/shapes.sheet  > ~/.dia/sheets/AWS.sheet
$ cp ./.outputs/shapes/* ~/.dia/shapes/
