Implementation of differential evolution algorithm in C++

Primary LanguageC++


Implementation of differential evolution algorithm in C++ This implementation is made to be tested with typical graphs of typical funcitons such as Rastrigin or Rosenbrock

Code explanation

3.1 Set up Params

This class contains all the parameters necessary for a good run of the simulation and the algorithm

3.2 Problem

This class contains the different existing choices of parameters and problems (definition domain for example)

3.3 Solution

This class contains the implementation of vectors representing solutions of the problem and some benchmarks necessary to test our implementation efficiency

3.4 MyAlgorithm

This class contains the DEA implementation

void MyAlgorithm::runDEA() {
  vector<Solution*>::const_iterator it = _solutions.begin();
  vector<double>::iterator ita ;
  vector<double>::iterator itb;
  vector<double>::iterator itc;
  vector<double>::iterator itx;
  vector<struct particle>::iterator itv = _fitness_values.begin();
  int ind_x = 0;

  Solution s1(solution(ind_x));
  Solution a(solution(ind_x));
  Solution b(solution(ind_x));
  Solution c(solution(ind_x));
  Solution& x=solution(ind_x);
  for (; it != _solutions.end(); ++it)
    x = (*(*it)); // j’ai ajouter une reference comme sa si on modifier le x sa sera modifier aussi dans le vector
    int ind_a, ind_b, ind_c;
      ind_a = ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) *((double) _setup.population_size() - 1);
    } while (ind_a == ind_x);
      ind_b = ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) *((double) _setup.population_size() - 1);
    } while (ind_b == ind_x || ind_b == ind_a);
      ind_c = ((double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) *((double) _setup.population_size() - 1);
    } while (ind_c == ind_x || ind_c == ind_b || ind_c == ind_a);
    a = solution(ind_a);
    b = solution(ind_b);
    c = solution(ind_c);
    int r = (rand() % x.pbm().dimension()) + 1;
    ita = a.solution().begin();
    itb = b.solution().begin();
    itc = c.solution().begin();
    itx = x.solution().begin();
    for (int i=0; ita < a.solution().end(); ++ita,++itb,++itc,i++)
      double u = rand() / RAND_MAX;
      if (u < CR || (ita - a.solution().begin()) == r - 1)
        s1.position(i,*ita + F * (*itb - *itc));

    x = (s1.get_fitness()<x.get_fitness())? s1:x;
    for(;itv != _fitness_values.end(); ++itv)
      if((*itv).index == ind_x)
        (*itv).fitness =x.get_fitness();
    itv = _fitness_values.begin();
