
Learn about phishing using NodeJS: https://twitter.com/daggieblanqx/status/1311835533677600774

Primary LanguageHTML


Watch the Result Video

  • The source code in here is meant for educational purporses only. No user accounts were compromised in the making of this short tutorial.

  • Checkout this twitter thread for the entire flow & context: https://twitter.com/daggieblanqx/status/1311835533677600774.

  • Direct message me on twitter for any query.

Installation Instructions:



  • Clone this repository in the computer that you have installed Node, NPM and Yarn on.

  • Open the terminal and cd into the directory/folder containing the now cloned project.

  • In this terminal, run the command yarn or npm install

  • Then open the file evil-server.js in your text editor and go to line 7 , and change the serverPort to your own preference.

  • Then run the following command in your opened terminal yarn start

  • The evil server will launch. Open the server address in a browser to view the resulting phish page.