Phaser Volley - a tribute to Blobby Volley
Based on Phaser ES6 Boilerplate template and Phaser framework.
You need Node.js and npm. Clone the repository (or download the ZIP file)
git clone ...
Install dependencies
npm install
Run a development build...
npm start
...or a production build.
npm run production
Build without running:
npm run build
(build output is in ./build
Development builds will copy phaser.min.js
together with
and phaser.js
Your ES6 code will be transpiled into ES5 and concatenated into a single file.
A sourcemap for your code will also be included (by default
Production builds will only copy phaser.min.js
. Your ES6 code will be transpiled and
minified using UglifyJS.
Any modification to the files inside the ./src
and ./static
folder will trigger a full page reload.
If you modify the contents of other files, please manually restart the server.