
Wrapper for starting arma servers

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node wrapper for starting arma servers

Supported games

  • arma1
  • arma2
  • arma2oa
  • arma3
  • arma3_x64
  • cwa (does not support linux)
  • ofp
  • ofpresistance


Install the module globally from NPM

npm install arma-server -g

ArmA Headless

arma-headless [options]


-h, --help          output usage information
--filePatching      Enable file patching
--game [value]      Game to launch
--host [value]      Server IP to join
--mods <mods>       Comma separated list of mods
--password [value]  Password required to join server
--path [value]      Path to arma server directory
--port [value]      Server port to join
--type [value]      Type of server, either linux, windows or wine

ArmA Server

arma-server [options]


-h, --help                   output usage information
--config [value]             Server config name
--disableVoN [value]         Disable VON
--filePatching               Enable file patching
--game [value]               Game to launch
--headlessClients <clients>  Whitelisted IPs for headless clients
--hostname [value]           Name in server list
--localClient <clients>      Whitelisted IPs for local clients
--mods <mods>                Comma separated list of mods
--motd <motd>                Comma separated list of messages to show
--motdInterval [value]       Interval between messages
--password [value]           Password required to join server
--passwordAdmin [value]      Admin password required to join server
--path [value]               Path to arma server directory
--persistent [value]         Run server persistent
--platform [value]           Type of server, either linux, windows or wine
--players [value]            Maximum number of player slots
--serverMods <mods>          Comma separated list of server mods
--verifySignatures [value]   Verifies .pbos against .bisign files


Install the module from NPM

npm install arma-server


To use the server class var ArmaServer = require('arma-server').Headless;



Option Type Default Description
filePatching boolean game default Enable file patching
game string 'arma3' Which game engine to use
host string game default IP or hostname that client should connect to
mods array of strings [] Array of mods as strings to use, relative to game folder
parameters array ['-noSound', '-world=empty'] Additional parameters that will be passed to the arma executable
password string game default Server password
path string current working directory Path to Arma directory
platform string 'linux' or 'windows' depending on current OS 'linux', 'windows' or 'wine' depeding on which to use
port integer game default Server port


To use the server class var ArmaServer = require('arma-server').Server;



Not all options are available yet


Option Type Default Description
additionalConfigurationOptions string empty Additional configuration options as text appended to the configuration file if defined. Make sure to not reuse any other defined configuration options as they will end up twice in the file.
admins array game default Whitelist UIDs as admins, array of strings
allowedFilePatching integer game default Allow clients to use file patching. 0 is disallow, 1 is allow HC, 2 is allow all clients
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions array of strings game default Whitelisted file extensions allowed
allowedLoadFileExtensions array of strings game default Whitelisted file extensions allowed
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions array of strings game default Whitelisted file extensions allowed
battleEye boolean game default Should BattleEye be enabled
config string 'server.config' Name of config file to be saved, stored in configs directory
disableVoN boolean game default Should built in VoN be disabled
doubleIdDetected string game default Server side script to execute on duplicate client id
filePatching boolean game default Enable file patching
forceRotorLibSimulation boolean game default Force rotor simulation from Helicopters DLC
game string 'arma3' Which game to start
forcedDifficulty string game default Set forced difficulty from matching CfgDifficultyPresets or Custom to use CustomDifficulty. Missions list with defined difficulty overrides this value.
headlessClients array of strings game default Whitelist headless clients, array of IPs as strings
hostname string game default Name of server
kickDuplicate boolean game default Should duplicate clients be kicked
localClient array of strings game default Whitelist local clients, array of IPs as strings
logFile string game default Path to log file
missions array game default Array of missions as object with mission name and difficulty. Params can also be optionally set. See below
mods array [] Array of mods as strings to use, relative to game folder
motd array of strings game default Messages to show as MOTD
motdInterval integer game default Time between motds
onDifferentData string game default Server side script to execute on different data
onHackedData string game default Server side script to execute on hacked data
onUnsignedData string game default Server side script to execute on unsigned data
onUserConnected string game default Server side script to execute on user connected
onUserDisconnected string game default Server side script to execute on user disconnected
parameters array ['-noSound', '-world=empty'] Additional parameters that will be passed to the arma executable
password string game default Server password
passwordAdmin string game default Admin password
path string current working directory Path to game folder
persistent boolean game default If server should run in persistent mode
platform string 'linux' or 'windows' depending on current OS 'linux', 'windows' or 'wine' depending on which to use
players integer game default Number of player slots
serverMods array [] Array of server mods as strings to use, relative to game folder
timeStampFormat string game default Log timestamp format, see references
verifySignatures integer game default Addons signature verification. Default = 0. Weak = 1. Full = 2. See references
vonCodecQuality integer game default Value of 1 - 20, default is 3. See references
voteMissionPlayers integer game default Numbers of players needed to be connected before mission vote
voteThreshold float game default Percentage required to win voting
Key Type Description
name string Name of mission, could either be filename without pbo suffix or mission name as declared in cfgMissions
difficulty string In Arma 2 and above, recruit, regular, veteran or mercenary
params array Array with mission parameters, see below
Mission Parameters
Key Type Description
name string Mission parameter name as declared in the mission
value number Mission parameter value