
Framework, AI for Vision. To facilitate research and testing.

Primary LanguagePython


PyPI version License: MIT GitHub pull requests GitHub contributors GitHub stars

❗️ The package is still under development and has not been released yet ❗️

If the version exceeds 1.0.0, this message will be removed, and the package will become available.


pip install artificialvision

What is ArtificialVision?

ArtificialVision is the package for makes it easy to get the outcomes of various Machine Learning & Computer Vision technologies. This package's aims are improving the quality and increasing the productivity by using it for convenience in various research and development experiments.

In this Version, just inference & getting the various results are supported. Support for training and fine-tuning will be added in the future.

Contributing to ArtificialVision (Not yet)

All the contributions are welcome !

Check the ContributeGuide.md for more information.


Methods Tutorial

Image Classification


from artificialvision import ImgClassification
import cv2 

# Read the image
img = cv2.imread('PATH of Image file')

# Get the classification result

Currently, only models pretrained on ImageNet are available.

Object Detection


from artificialvision import ObjDetection
import cv2

''' Image '''
# Read the image
img = cv2.imread('PATH of Image file')

# Get the detection result with the bounding box

# Get the bounding box only

''' Video '''
# Read the video
video = cv2.VideoCapture('PATH of Video file', type=1)

# Get the detection result with the bounding box

# Get the bounding box only


  • type : int, default is 0
    • 0 : Image
    • 1 : Video

Currently, only image and video matching are supported.



from artificialvision import Segmentation
import cv2

''' Image '''
# Read the image
img = cv2.imread('PATH of Image file')

# Get the segmentation result

# Get only the segment map
''' Video '''
# Read the video
video = cv2.VideoCapture('PATH of Video file', type=1)

# Get the segmentation result

# Get only the segment map
''' Webcam (real-time) '''
# start the webcam(recording)
# if finished, press 'q' to stop & get the result


  • type : int, default is 0

    • 0 : Image
    • 1 : Video
    • 2 : Webcam (real-time)
  • category : int, default is 0

    • segmentation category
    • 0 : Semantic Segmentation
    • 1 : Instance Segmentation
    • 2 : Panoptic Segmentation
  • detail : int, default is 0

    • segmentation detail
    • 0 : Segmentation Result (Overlayed Image)
    • 1 : Segmentation Map
  • get_poligon : bool, default is False

    • If True, get the poligon points of the segmentation result. (Only for the instance segmentation)

Currently, only image and video matching are supported.

Image Matching


from artificialvision import ImgMatching
import cv2 

''' Image '''
# Read the images
img1 = cv2.imread('PATH of Image1 file')
img2 = cv2.imread('PATH of Image2 file')

# Get the matching score
ImgMatching.get_matching_score(img1, img2)

# Get the matching result
ImgMatching.get_matching_result(img1, img2)

''' Video '''
# Read the videos
video1 = cv2.VideoCapture('PATH of Video1 file')
video2 = cv2.VideoCapture('PATH of Video2 file')

# Get the matching score
ImgMatching.get_matching_score(video1, video2, type=1)

# Get the matching result
ImgMatching.get_matching_result(video1, video2, type=1)

''' Mixed '''
# Read the images for matchin
img_list = [img1, img2, img3, ...]

# Get the matching score
ImgMatching.get_matching_score(img_list, video1, type=2)

# Get the matching result
ImgMatching.get_matching_result(img_list, video1, type=2)

''' Webcam (real-time) '''
# start the webcam(recording)
# if finished, press 'q' to stop & get the result
ImgMatching.get_matching_result(img_list, type=3)


  • type : int, default is 0
    • 0 : Image
    • 1 : Video
    • 2 : Mixed
    • 3 : Webcam (real-time)
  • threshold : float, default is 0.5
    • The threshold for the matching score. If the matching score is less than the threshold, it is considered as a matching result. Range is 0.0 ~ 1.0. Recommended is +-0.1 from the default value.

Currently, only image and video matching are supported.


Inference Data Format

Inference data format Type in python Usage Example
Path of the data str '/Path/to/data/file.extension'
List list
Numpy Array numpy.ndarray
Pytorch Tensor torch.Tensor
Tensorflow Tensor tensorflow.python.framework.ops.EagerTensor

Inference Model Format

Inference model format export.py --include Model
PyTorch - model.pt
TorchScript torchscript model.torchscript
ONNX onnx model.onnx
OpenVINO openvino model_openvino_model/
TensorRT engine model.engine
CoreML coreml model.mlmodel
TensorFlow SavedModel saved_model model_saved_model/
TensorFlow GraphDef pb model.pb
TensorFlow Lite tflite model.tflite
TensorFlow Edge TPU edgetpu model_edgetpu.tflite
TensorFlow.js tfjs model_web_model/
PaddlePaddle paddle model_paddle_model/

If you want to more information, check the Official Docs(Not yet)