
Send the text in your Clipboard to Microsoft's Text-to-Speech (TTS) Engine.

Primary LanguageC#The UnlicenseUnlicense


Send the text in your Clipboard to Microsoft's Text-to-Speech Engine. Useful for Visual Novel Text Hookers that send foreign game text to the clipboard. Can be easily launched via an AutoHotkey script.

Getting Started

On the first program run a "ClipboardTTS.settings" file will be created. It will list all your installed voices, you can uncomment the voice you want.


Settings should be rather self explanitory.

Lines that start with a semicolon are comments and are ignored. The first time you run the program, all the installed voices will be listed. Just uncomment the voice you want to use.

;Voice = "Microsoft David Desktop"
;Voice = "Microsoft Zira Desktop"
Voice = "Microsoft Eva Mobile"

The Volume and Rate of Speech settings are simple numeric values.

;Volume 0...100
Volume = 100

;Rate -10...10
Rate = 0

CharLimit will limit the number of character's processed. Just in case you send it a book full of words and didn't actually want to listen to it all.

;Max Character Limit (0 = Unlimited)
CharLimit = 500

The Substitutions section allows you to replace words before they are processed by the speech engine.

OriginalWord => ReplacementWord

If the speach engine detects extra line returns, it will add a pause to the spoken dialog, this RemoveLineReturns setting will remove the extra pause.

;Remove unwanted pause from Line Returns
RemoveLineReturns = "true"

*WavePrefix setting will set the prefix for output to wav files WavePrefix = "Audio_TTS "

Command line parameters

Output to Wave file: -w or -w:filename.wav