Functionally Reduced And-Inverter Graph

Primary LanguageC++

Functionally Reduced And-Inverter Graph (FRAIG)

  • This is the final project of Data Structure and Programming
  • In this project, I implemented a special circuit representation, FRAIG, from a circuit description file.
  • The program performs the following processes:
    • Parse a circuit description file in the AIGER format.
    • Sweep out the gates that cannot be reached from primary outputs (excluding primary inputs). After this operation, all the gates that are originally “defined-but-not-used” will be deleted.
    • Perform trivial circuit optimizations without altering the functionality, such as replacing a always-inverse fan-ins of an AND gate by a constant zero.
    • Perform structural hash to merge the structurally equivalent signals (i.e. replace a gate with its functionally equivalent one) by comparing their gate types and permuting their inputs.
    • Simulate boolean logic to group potentially equivalent gates into functionally equivalent candidate (FEC) pair.
    • Use a boolean satisfiability solver to formally prove or disprove FEC pair and merge equivalent gates.
  • My program ranks top 5% among more than a hundred of students.


Due to some old libraries that are compiled without the flag -fPIC, compilation must be done by gcc/g++ version that is older than 4.8.5.

Compilation is tested on gcc/g++ 4.8.5.



File Descriptions

  • include/*: Satisfiability solver header files (provided by lecturer).
  • lib/*: Libraries that need to be linked (provided by lecturer).
  • src/*: Source files (some written by me, others provided by lecturer)
  • tests.fraig: Testcases and Dofiles.
  • Makefile: GNU makefile.


Type make in this directory, then a binary file named fraig will be compiled.

Sometimes you may need to type "some" make cleans, then "some" makes.

Compilation flags are declared in src/Makefile.in.


There are many commands, so please check the specification.