"# Ecommerce_Selenium_Automation" Implementing Web Automation Testing using Selenium + JUnit + TestNG

I have automated scenarios : Add To Cart, Checkout, each with validations on the site : https://rahulshettyacademy.com/seleniumPractise/#/

Guide: Ensure that :

  1. You have maven installed in your machine and path configured.
  2. Java Installed
  3. Installed TestNG


  1. Clone the project.
  2. On the pom.xml file set the tools jar path as per your machines location of the tools.jar file. On latest JDK versions, you can find it on the JDK lib's folder.
  3. Update maven dependencies to ensure all the required jar files on the pom.xml file have been downloaded.
  4. Run the project either via cmd through "mvn clean test" or by Running the testRunner class.
  5. To view reports go to your projects folder/target/TestOutput

Sample Report :

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