A rust embedded-hal driver for the Honeywell HMC5883. Forked from the original work of Todd Stellanova and made async.
HMC5883 only support a single interface (I2C).
You can connect to the HMC5883 through I2C:
use hmc5883_async::*;
let mut hmc = HMC5883::new(i2c);
hmc.init(&mut Delay).await.expect("init failed");
loop {
if let Ok(temp) = hmc.get_temperature().await {
info!("Temperature: {:?}", temp);
match hmc.get_mag_vector().await {
Ok(mag) => info!("Magnitude vector: {:?}", mag),
Err(E) => info!("Printing Error {}", E),
To run the example:
$ cd examples
$ cargo rb compass