Displays an eye with natural random movement on an 1.5" Oled connected to the pi. Made it for a Cyberpunk / Cyborg costume
Checkout this repository and its submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Dak0r/Cyborg-1.5-Oled-Eye-RaspberryPi.git
Call Setup-Script: setup.sh to automatically setup your pi and the cross compile environment Call it with the ip address of your pi and its ssh password as arguments:
setup.sh 192.168.178.XX raspberry
Call the build scripts:
The executable will be in a "cmake-build" directory after that.
Call the Build and Run Script with ip address of your pi and its ssh password:
build_and_run.sh 192.168.178.XX raspberry
This will automatically build the project, sync the executable to your pi and run it in an ssh session.
While my Code is License as MIT, this Project uses Alex Mous MPU6050 Libarary (Licensed under the CC BY-NC SA 4.0) (Utils/MPU6050.cpp and Utils/MPU6050.h)