
elixir wrapper for the HackerNews API

Primary LanguageElixir


elixir wrapper for the HackerNews API


Add HNAPI as a dependency to your mix.exs file:

defp deps do
    {:hnapi, git: "https://github.com/SaintDako/HNAPI-elixir.git", branch: "master"},


Because I have no idea how to really use Elixir properly (at least the module system), HNAPI must be started:

iex> HNAPI.start

(This is to initialize HTTPotion). Then any of the methods can be called, like so:

iex> HNAPI.top_stories_by_id(20)      # get the IDs of the top 20 stories
[9889152, 9889399, 9888442, 9884915, 9886817, 9886555, 9884165, 9887731,
 9888387, 9887664, 9887728, 9886640, 9886103, 9887802, 9888035, 9887787,
 9887548, 9887231, 9889210, 9884974]

iex> HNAPI.get_item(9889152)          # this was the first ID returned before, let's get its details
%{"by" => "aestetix", "descendants" => 23, "id" => 9889152,
  "kids" => [9889271, 9889488, 9889322, 9889292, 9889317, 9889214],
  "score" => 87, "text" => "", "time" => 1436922689,
  "title" => "New Horizons phones home", "type" => "story",
  "url" => "http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-33531811"}


The Poison module has two ways of decoding JSON data; one way is by putting the data into a previously defined struct, and the other way is by parsing the data on-the-fly. Both ways are supported here; several structs are predefined for convenience, and they have the same fields as described in the HN API.


The following structs are defined:

Ask(:by, :descendants, :id, :kids, :score, :text, :time, :title, :type, :url)

Comment(:by, :id, :kids, :parent, :text, :time, :title, :type)

Job(:by, :id, :score, :text, :time, :title, :type, :url)

Poll(:by, :descendants, :id, :kids, :parts, :score, :text, :time, :title, :type)

PollOption(:by, :id, :parent, :score, :text, :time, :type)

Story(:by, :descendants, :id, :kids, :score, :time, :title, :type, :url)

User(:about, :created, :delay, :id, :karma, :submitted)


Methods with a ! at the end return a predefined struct.


Gets the item with the specified ID. id can be an integer or a string. A map is returned.


Gets the user with the specified ID. id can be an atom or a string. A map is returned.


Gets the ask item with the specified ID. id can be an integer or a string. An Ask struct is returned.


Gets the comment item with the specified ID. id can be an integer or a string. A Comment struct is returned.


Gets the job item with the specified ID. id can be an integer or a string. A Job struct is returned.


Gets the poll item with the specified ID. id can be an integer or a string. A Poll struct is returned.


Gets the poll_option item with the specified ID. id can be an integer or a string. A PollOption struct is returned.


Gets the story item with the specified ID. id can be an integer or a string. A Story struct is returned.


Gets the user item with the specified ID. id can be an integer or a string. A User struct is returned.


Gets the current largest item ID as an integer.


Gets the IDs of the top 500 stories as a list of integers.


Gets the IDs of the top limit stories as a list of integers. limit must be an integer.


Gets the IDs of the top 500 stories as a list of integers that are of the type item_type. item_type must be a string.

top_stories_by_id(item_type, limit)

Gets the IDs of the top limit stories as a list of integers that are of the type item_type. item_type must be a string, and limit must be an integer.


Gets all information of the top 500 stories as a list of integers.


Gets all information of the top limit stories as a list of integers. limit must be an integer.


Gets all information of the top 500 stories as a list of integers that are of the type item_type. item_type must be a string.

top_stories_detailed(item_type, limit)

Gets all information of the top limit stories as a list of integers that are of the type item_type. item_type must be a string, and limit must be an integer.


Gets the IDs of the newest 500 stories as a list of integers.


Gets the IDs of the newest limit stories as a list of integers. limit must be an integer.


Gets the IDs of the newest 500 stories as a list of integers that are of the type item_type. item_type must be a string.

new_stories_by_id(item_type, limit)

Gets the IDs of the newest limit stories as a list of integers that are of the type item_type. item_type must be a string, and limit must be an integer.


Gets all information of the 500 newest stories as a list of integers.


Gets all information of the limit newest stories as a list of integers. limit must be an integer.


Gets all information of the 500 newest stories as a list of integers that are of the type item_type. item_type must be a string.

new_stories_detailed(item_type, limit)

Gets all information of the limit newest stories as a list of integers that are of the type item_type. item_type must be a string, and limit must be an integer.
