
Welcome to the Insurance Claim Project!

This project aims to provide a solution for processing insurance claims using machine learning algorithms. The purpose of this project is to help insurance companies automate their claims processing system, reduce manual errors, and provide quicker and more accurate results.

Requirements--- To run this project, you need to have the following software installed:

Python 3.7 or higher Jupyter Notebook Pandas Numpy Matplotlib Seaborn

Dataset--- The dataset used in this project contains information about the Age, Sex, BMI, Children, Smoker, Region, Charges and claims. The dataset is available in the insurance.csv.

Usage--- To run the project, please open the Insurance Claim.ipynb file in Jupyter Notebook and follow the instructions provided in the notebook.

Contributing--- We welcome contributions from the community. To contribute, please fork this repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.

Acknowledgments--- We would like to thank the open source community for providing us with the tools and resources needed to complete this project.