
Just Jobs Bot is a telegram bot which gathers detail of job opening from employer and post on the Just Jobs Channel.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Current Version - 0.6 Build Status (see change logs)

Just Jobs Bot is a telegram bot which gathers detail of job opening from employer and post on the Just Jobs Channel.

How To Use

To use the bot you simply have to send below mentioned commands as text message.

/start - initial command to begin talking to the bot

/help - to get help, report bug and contribute

/submit - to submit job opening in your company

The sole purpose of this bot is to get following details from the employer about the job opening.

  • Company Name - This is the full name of the company
  • Job Designation - Position for which this job opening is all about
  • Job Description - Little detail about the job which can be also a link to document
  • Joining Date - Date from when the employee's term starts
  • Last Date to Apply - Date upto which a person can apply for this job
  • Salary Offered - Expected salary, can also be a range.
  • Contact Person - Person whom one should contact if interested
  • Email ID - Email of the contact person
  • Phone Number (optional, can be 'skip'ped) - Phone number of the contact person

How To Deploy Your Instance Of This Bot

You need Python 3 (recommended version 3.9+) and PIP installed for this to work

  • Fork the repo to your profile
  • git clone link-to-repo.git - Clone your copy of this repo to your local machine
  • cd Just-Jobs-Bot - Move to the repo folder
  • Create a virtual environment using python -m venv venv
  • Activate virtual environment using source venv/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements-dev.txt - install dependencies
  • Create a new bot using Botfather
  • Replace Telegram-Bot-Token with the token you get from Botfather in config.json file
  • Create a channel and make it public to get the username e.g. @mychannel
  • We need unique ID of this channel, to get that first add your bot as administrator to the channel you just created
  • Run python getid.py and send test to the channel
  • The channel ID will be logged onto the terminal
  • Replace this unique ID with Channel-Id in config.json file
  • Now run python justjobs.py
  • You can now use commands mentioned above in How To Use section

How To Contribute

  • Create an issue in case you find one with the bot. Please mention how you got to that issue in brief.
  • Fork this repo and create a feature/bug branch and make your changes to that.
  • Create PR from feature/bug branch to master of this repo.