
Vagrant vm for ELK stack (https://www.elastic.co/) testing / development playground

Primary LanguageShell

ELK Playground


$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /home/web/elk
$ make vagrant

This will install template mappings for the following indexes (logstash automatic mapping management is disabled):

  • logstash-frontend-access-*
  • logstash-frontend-error-*
  • logstash-backend-*
  • logstash-error-*

So, what those mappings all about?

logstash-frontend-* - indices for access_log and error_log NGINX configuration parameters. log_format is described in bundled configuration sample:

log_format logstash '$remote_addr "$host" '
                    '$request_method "$request_uri" '
                    '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" '
                    '$status $bytes_sent '
                    '$geoip_country_code $geoip_latitude $geoip_longitude';

logstash-backend-* - indices for dalee-logger library

logstash-error-* - indices for logstash _grokparsefailure events

Load single event with geoip information

$ curl -H "X-Real-Ip:" -H "Host: elk.local" 127.1 -v

Kibana Web-interface


Bundled configurations

Few sample configurations for frontend (nginx) and backend (right now, only node.js)
