
⏛ - Kubernetes deploy and management tool (powerful wrapper around kubectl)

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

⏛ — Kubernetes deploy tool

Build Status Coverage Go Report Card codebeat badge

Simple, but powerful tool, build around kubectl command, great for CI/CD environments.

Key features:

  • apply — update cluster configuration with automated undo in case of error
  • garbage-collect — detect unused images for each deployment, remove unused images from Docker Distribution (Registry).


Environment variables:

  • CLUSTER_CONTEXT cluster context to use (default, no context, so kubectl will use default)


  • Cluster context variable can be overridden via global flag: -c or --context
  • Cluster rollout timeout can be set via -t or --release-timeout for apply command
  • For a garbage-collect command, cluster namespace can be changed via -n, --namespace, default is "default".

Kubernetes Rollout

Apply new configuration to Kubernetes cluster and monitor release delivery.


$ fuse apply -f deployment.yml

Help screen:

$ fuse help apply
Apply new configuration to Kubernetes cluster and monitor release delivery

  fuse apply [flags]

  -f, --configuration string       Rollout configuration spec file (yaml), mandatory
  -t, --rollout-timeout duration   Rollout timeout (default 2m0s)

Global Flags:
  -c, --context string   Override CLUSTER_CONTEXT defined in environment (default "")

What apply command do?

  • fuse will get all deployments defined in configuration yml file
  • command kubectl apply -f deployment.yml will be executed
  • for each deployment, deployment rollout status will be monitored
  • if status is successful:
    • fuse will display logs for each created pod for each deployment
  • if timeout reached:
    • fuse will display logs from pods attached to each deployment
    • for each deployment rollout undo will be executed, but only if deployment undo history is present

Sample output

[14:31:04][Step 4/5] Starting: /data/tc-agent/temp/agentTmp/custom_script427977640370952504
[14:31:04][Step 4/5] in directory: /data/tc-agent/work/fa28ed608c5de3ce
[14:31:04][Step 4/5] ===> kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yml -o name
[14:31:04][Step 4/5] service/example-staging
[14:31:04][Step 4/5] deployment/example-staging
[14:31:04][Step 4/5] 
[14:31:04][Step 4/5] ==> Starting rollout monitoring, timeout is 2m0s seconds
[14:31:09][Step 4/5] ===> kubectl --namespace=default get deployment/example-staging -o yaml
[14:31:09][Step 4/5] ===> Deployment: default/example-staging, Ready: false, Generation: meta=84 observed=84, Replicas: s=1, u=1, a=1, na=1
[14:31:14][Step 4/5] ===> kubectl --namespace=default get deployment/example-staging -o yaml
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] ===> Deployment: default/example-staging, Ready: true, Generation: meta=84 observed=84, Replicas: s=1, u=1, a=1, na=0
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] ==> Rollout done!
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] ==> Fetching logs...
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] ===> kubectl --namespace=default get deployment/example-staging -o yaml
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] ===> kubectl --namespace=default get pods --selector=app=example-staging -o yaml
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] ===> kubectl --namespace=default logs --tail=100 example-staging-1567981747-4awvj
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] ===> Deployment: default/example-staging, Pod: default/example-staging-1567981747-4awvj:
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] *** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] *** Running /etc/rc.local...
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] *** Booting runit daemon...
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] *** Runit started as PID 14
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] 2017/03/09 14:31:05 [notice] 23#23: using the "epoll" event method
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] 2017/03/09 14:31:05 [notice] 23#23: nginx/1.11.10
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] 2017/03/09 14:31:05 [notice] 23#23: built by gcc 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.2) 
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] 2017/03/09 14:31:05 [notice] 23#23: OS: Linux 3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] 2017/03/09 14:31:05 [notice] 23#23: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE): 1048576:1048576
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] 2017/03/09 14:31:05 [notice] 23#23: start worker processes
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] 2017/03/09 14:31:05 [notice] 23#23: start worker process 35
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] [Mar 9 14:31:06.712] info: server started: http://example-staging-1567981747-4awvj:3000
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] [Mar 9 14:31:06.722] info: Redis connected
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] [Mar 9 14:31:06.733] info: Redis ready
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] [Mar 9 14:31:10.197] debug: HEAD
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] [Mar 9 14:31:10.225] debug: HEAD
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] [Mar 9 14:31:15.206] debug: HEAD
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] [Mar 9 14:31:15.219] debug: HEAD
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] 
[14:31:15][Step 4/5] Process exited with code 0

Registry Garbage Collection

Docker Registry access and manipulation is based on our another project Hitman.

Remove tags from registry not registered within any Kubernetes ReplicaSet.


$ fuse garbage-collect --registry-url=https://registry.example.com:5000/

Help screen:

$ fuse help garbage-collect
Remove tags from registry not registered within Kubernetes ReplicaSet

  fuse garbage-collect [flags]

  -d, --dry-run               Do not execute destructive actions (default "false")
  -i, --ignore-missing        Skip missing images in Registry (default "false")
  -k, --keep-tag stringSlice  Keep tag in Registry, even if it not deployed (default none)
  -n, --namespace string      Kubernetes namespace to use (default "default")
  -r, --registry-url string   Registry URL (e.g. "https://registry.example.com:5000/")

Global Flags:
  -c, --context string   Override CLUSTER_CONTEXT defined in environment (default "")

-k/--keep-tag can be provided multiple times, best use case is keep latest tag in order to speed up build image time.

What garbage-collect command do?

  • fuse will search all replica sets for given namespace (default is by default)
  • For each replica set Spec.Template.Spec.Containers[].Image will be analyzed
  • For each image repository, full list of tags and image digests will be fetched from provided registry-url
  • If some of repositories absent, error will be thrown, unless ignore-missing flag is set
  • All tags of image not registered within any ReplicaSet will be marked for deletion
  • If dry-run is not set, images digests, marked for deletion, will be marked for deletion in Docker Distribution (beware: Registry itself has own garbage-collect command)

Do not forget to schedule Registry garbage-collect command to perform actual cleanup of deleted images!

Sample output

[14:37:38][Step 2/5] Starting: /data/tc-agent/temp/agentTmp/custom_script5182791551931646628
[14:37:38][Step 2/5] in directory: /data/tc-agent/work/2d12da58bb93314d
[14:37:38][Step 2/5] ==> Fetching repository info...
[14:37:38][Step 2/5] ===> kubectl --namespace=default get replicasets -o yaml
[14:37:41][Step 2/5] ==> Found 1 repositories
[14:37:41][Step 2/5] ===> Repository: acme/example-staging
[14:37:41][Step 2/5] ===> Deployed: [45 40 41 42 43 44]
[14:37:41][Step 2/5] ===> Detected as garbage: [34 35 36 37 38 39]
[14:37:41][Step 2/5]
[14:37:41][Step 2/5] ==> Clearing up...
[14:37:41][Step 2/5] ===> Done: acme/example-staging
[14:37:42][Step 2/5] Process exited with code 0

Command execution

For each given selector, find all associated pods and execute provided command in each container of each pod.

Sample output

$ fuse exec --deployments app=acme-staging-wrk,app=acme-staging-adm --command date
===> kubectl --namespace=default get deployment --selector=app=acme-staging-wrk -o yaml
===> kubectl --namespace=default get deployment --selector=app=acme-staging-adm -o yaml
===> kubectl --namespace=default get pods --selector=app=acme-staging-wrk,project=acme-188825 -o yaml
===> kubectl --namespace=default get pods --selector=app=acme-staging-adm,project=acme-188825 -o yaml
===> kubectl --namespace=default exec acme-staging-wrk-2842908200-wwlxe --container=acme-staging-wrk date
===> Pod: default/acme-staging-wrk-2842908200-wwlxe, Container: acme-staging-wrk:
Tue Jul  4 18:49:11 MSK 2017

===> kubectl --namespace=default exec acme-staging-adm-3301714455-wwnu8 --container=acme-staging-adm date
===> Pod: default/acme-staging-adm-3301714455-wwnu8, Container: acme-staging-adm:
Tue Jul  4 18:49:11 MSK 2017


Tool currently in pre-release stage, but, it is using heavily to deliver releases to our staging/production cluster. Same applied to garbage-collect, clean up images is used both at production and staging cluster.

All interactions with kubectl is covered by tests, but scenarios (commands) are not. Use at your own risk.

Tool is tested with Kubernetes/kubectl v1.2.0


Fuse is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.

fuse v1.0.1 is released under Unlicense


Install developer dependencies:

$ go get -u github.com/modocache/gover && \
go get -u github.com/golang/lint/golint && \
go get -u github.com/Masterminds/glide && \
go get -u github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign && \
go get -u github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell

Install project dependencies:

$ glide install

Test and Coverage:

  • make test — linting and testing
  • make coverage — display coverage information
  • make format — gofmt sources
  • make coverage && go tool cover -html=coverage.txt — see coverage

Useful links, Further reading