Sports/Weather/News website for 2022 Agile Software Engineering Rowan Class
- Tom L - Scrum Master
- Michael Z - Product Owner
- Jeremy D - Developer
- Collin W - Developer
- Charles M - Developer
- David G - Developer
- Alex M - Developer
How to set yourself up to use Django:
If you don't have python installed, you're gonna have to do that first.
Then navigate to whichever folder you would like to work in from powershell if you are on windows
git clone
cd AgileSWGroup4
python -m venv env
pip install -r requirements.txt
Django Database requires migrating from time to time to sync
python migrate
From there you should be good to go, you can enter the repository, and run
python runserver
to run the django site locally, at the moment there isn't anything developed. Going to the local address /sports will take you to a basic html page, going to /admin will take you to Django's default admin page