
ASP .NET Core with React.js project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Invoice Generator

Created with "ASP.NET Core with React.js" project and using .NET 7 version.

  • FrontEnd: React JS, Bootstrap.
  • BackEnd: C# .Net Core. Testing with xUnit and NSubstitute.

Features added

  • Add service provider / client
  • Add product / service
  • Select provider / service
  • Select products / services
  • VAT rate calculations based by these requirements:
    • When the service provider is not a VAT payer - VAT is not calculated on the order amount.
    • When the service provider is a VAT payer and the customer:
      • Outside the EU (European Union) - VAT is applied at 0%
      • lives in the EU, is not a VAT payer, but lives in a different country than the service provider. Applicable VAT x%, where x is the VAT percentage applied in that country, for example: Lithuania 21% VAT
      • lives in the EU, is a VAT payer, but lives in a different country than the service provider. 0% applied under reverse charge.
      • when the customer and the service provider live in the same country - VAT is always applied
  • All countries list(.txt) with standard VAT rates
  • Print / Download Invoice


Main focus was to get my hands on "ASP.NET Core with React.js" project and learn how the "things" working there(f.e. passing data back and forth, opening component in a new window tab and printing / downloading it, getting to know NSubstitute and so on). So, i mean styling and input checking was in the second plan. Ofcourse there is mistakes and other "bad" stuff in this project but im really happy that i invested some time in it. Learning is fun! P.S. Don't shy away from constructive criticism, I'm especially looking forward to advice on how and what could have been done better.


home1 home2 home3 provider1 client1 generate2 generate1 invoice1 invoice2 invoice3 invoice4 invoice5