Hello, and Welcome to my GitHub.

  I am mostly using this resource as a way to provide code examples
  from my college career for any future reference I may need. I am
  also planning on using GitHub to help others with what I have to offer,
  as well as learn from the community.

More about me:  I am an Information Systems graduate, with an emphasis in
                Systems Development, from the University of
                Wisconsin-Eau Claire. I graduated in December 2014
                And currently live in Bothell, WA.

                My current position is working as a Freelance Web Developer
                in Bothell, WA. I am working with 1 other developer who owns
                his own company and has had an increase in business, so brought
                me on to help decrease his load. The clients we work with are
                throughout the US and also international.

                My previous position was with Apex Performance Solutions
                in Reno, NV working as a contractor with Microsoft. Here I
                Used SQL to generate reports in Excel and created multiple
                webpage dashboards with ASP, HTML, CSS, and D3.js. These webpages 
                contained information used to make future business decisions,
                included graphs to visualy represent the data, and provided
                real-time data and application specific security.

                Before that I worked at Menard's, which is a large Home
                Improvement chain loated in Midwest America. Here I was
                an Intern responsible for writing and updating programs that
                were used by 10 distribution centers and thousands of users
                a day. I learned a lot at this internship, including tools
                similar to GitHub that assist in the smooth deployment of

More about the Code:  I will be posting assignments from the courses
                      I have taken in college. And even though I am
                      not allowed to post code from my previous
                      employers, I will contribute to the community
                      and will post similar work of what I have done.

Thank you for taking the time to look at some of what I have done,
and please check back often, as I will be adding comments to some
of the examples, as well as adding more examples.
