
Weather Application built using ChatGPT with ReactJS, TailwindCSS, Git, Github, Netlify and VS Code

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ChatGPT Assisted Weather App

Weather Application built using ChatGPT:

  • <Tech Stack/> - ReactJS, and Tailwind CSS.
  • <Tech Tools/> - Vite, VS Code, Git, Github, and Netlify.

My Chat with ChatGPT: (Chat Qs with Ans Synposis Only)

  1. I want to build weather app using react and tailwind CSS. Suggest steps with nifty and clean code.

    Sure, I can help you with that! Here are the steps you can follow to build a weather app using React and Tailwind CSS:

    • Step 1: Set up your development environment - Install Node.js and npm, Create a new React app and Install Tailwind CSS, etc.
    • Step 2: Get weather data from API, Get an API key, Install Axios and Create a Weather.js
  2. Should i use create-react blunder or vite bundler to set up my development environment ??

    • Both Create React App and Vite are popular choices for setting up a React development environment. Here are some pros and cons of each option.
    • Ultimately, the choice between Create React App and Vite will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you're new to React and want a quick and easy setup process, Create React App is a great choice. If you're experienced with React and want more customization options and faster build times, Vite may be a better option.
  3. I need Weather.js code with semantic html and tailwind CSS for better styles

    • Sure, here's an updated Weather.js component that uses semantic HTML and Tailwind CSS for styling - given code with tailwind css classes.
  4. How to setup Tailwind CSS with React Application?

    • To set up Tailwind CSS with a React application, you can follow these steps - gave step with relevant code snippet.
  5. How to do I hide my weather api key in application and still able use in production

    • Here's how you can set up environment variables to hide your Weather API key - create .env
  6. I got error message - "process is not defined" Weather.js

    • The process object is not available in the browser environment, which is why you may be seeing the error message "process is not defined" when trying to access it in your React application.
    • Alternatively, you can use a package like dotenv to load environment variables in your React application. Here's how you can set it up - gave steps
    • `REACT_APP_WEATHER_API_KEY=your_api_key_here
    • require('dotenv').config();
  7. I got error for #3 main.jsx? [sm]:5 Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined at main.jsx? [sm]:5:1

    • Make sure that your React application is set up to use ES6 modules by default. If you're still seeing the error message after switching to import statements, please check that your application is properly configured to use ES6 modules.
  8. How to do I convert "require('dotenv').config();" to ES6 module

    • To convert the require('dotenv').config() statement to an ES6 module, you can use the import statement instead. Here's how you can do it
  9. Still getting this error "main.js:59 Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined at Object.config (main.js:59:33) at Weather.jsx:4:8"

    • In the browser environment, the process object is not defined by default, which is why you're seeing the error. To fix this issue, you can use a package like dotenv-webpack to load environment variables in your React application and make them available in the browser environment.
  10. How to add .env in Vite React setup?

    • In Vite, you can add environment variables to your React application by creating a .env file in the root directory of your project and prefixing your variables with VITE_
    • VITE_WEATHER_API_KEY=your_api_key_here
    • const apiKey = import.meta.env.VITE_WEATHER_API_KEY;
  11. Can i get code for Weather.js with form field and button to fetch weather for any city.

    • Sure! Here's an example code for Weather.js with a form field and a button to fetch weather for any city using OpenWeatherMap API - gave code React JS component code snippet without CSS.
  12. Please add tailwind CSS for styles and semantic html tag.

    • Sure, here's an updated version of the Weather component with Tailwind CSS and semantic HTML.
    • In this version, we have added Tailwind CSS classes to style the form and the weather data display. We have also used semantic HTML tags such as <label> and <input> to improve accessibility and SEO.

Note: I did deliberate dabbling Chat with ChatGPT over building weather web application. However I knew beforehand how to code, craft, and deploy such web applications.

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Source of Inspiration: @TraversyMedia

Source of Application: @codecommerce