KeyboardSpy is a super lightweight and easy to use wrapper that makes observing keyboard notifications in iOS a breeze.
- iOS 8.0+
- xCode 9.0+
To integrate KeyboardSpy into your xCode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod 'KeyboardSpy'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
KeyboardSpy uses a protocol based approach to observe keyboard notifications:
public protocol KeyboardSpyAgent {
var keyboardEventsToSpyOn: [KeyboardSpyEvent] { get }
func keyboardSpyEventProcessed(event:KeyboardSpyEvent, keyboardInfo: KeyboardSpyInfo)
To add a spy, simply:
KeyboardSpy.spy(on: self)
To remove a spy, simply:
KeyboardSpy.unspy(on: self)
There are six different events you can spy on:
public enum KeyboardSpyEvent {
case willShow
case didShow
case willHide
case didHide
case willChangeFrame
case didChangeFrame
You will get the following object for each event you spy on:
public class KeyboardSpyInfo: NSObject {
public private(set) var beginFrame: CGRect!
public private(set) var endFrame: CGRect!
public private(set) var animationCurve: UIViewAnimationCurve!
public private(set) var animationDuration: Double!
public private(set) var isLocal: Bool!
public var keyboardHeight: CGFloat
import KeyboardSpy
class KeyboardSpyViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
KeyboardSpy.spy(on: keyboardSpyView) // This can be placed anywhere
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
KeyboardSpy.unspy(on: keyboardSpyView) // This can be placed anywhere
extension KeyboardSpyViewController: KeyboardSpyAgent {
internal var keyboardEventsToSpyOn: [KeyboardSpyEvent] {
return [.willShow, .willHide]
internal func keyboardSpyEventProcessed(event: KeyboardSpyEvent, keyboardInfo: KeyboardSpyInfo) {
if event == .willShow {
// Do something like moving a view above the keyboard
} else if event == .willHide {
// Do something like moving a view back to its original position
Dalton Hinterscher,
KeyboardSpy is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.