
A PalWorld Server API like minecraft bukkit, not finish yet

Primary LanguageC++



PalWorld-Server-Unofficial-Api is a third-party PalWorld API with the goal of becoming a server-side development API similar to Minecraft Bukkit. The aim is to ensure that plugins do not require updates when the game version is upgraded.

The project is currently in very early development, and its code may undergo significant rewrites.

Currently, I am eager to hear everyone's opinions to decide on what features need to be added. Please share your ideas in the Issues section!

How to build


Step 1 - Download Visual Studio

Click the following link to go to the Visual Studio download page

Step 2 - Install Visual Studio and choose workload

At least, you should choose Desktop development with C++ and Universal Windows Platform development, If you don't know what the other options do, leave them as default.

Please wait for the installation process to complete before proceeding to the next step.

Step 3 - Install Rust

Click the following link to go to the Rust download page

Step 4 - Install xmake

Click the following link to go to the xmake release page, you should download the file which named xmake-master.win64.exe

Step 3 - Install Git for Windows

Click the following link to go to the Git download page

Step 5 - Clone this project

Choose an appropriate directory, such as D:\Codes

Open this directory in explorer

Hold Shift and right-click empty space in this folder and select "Open PowerShell Window Here" to open a PowerShell window.

Please execute the following commands step by step:

git clone https://github.com/VeroFess/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api.git
cd PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api
git submodule update --init --recursive

There shouldn't be any errors in the above steps, the correct output should look like this:

Click to expand output details
PS D:\Codes> git clone https://github.com/VeroFess/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api.git
Cloning into 'PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1098, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1098/1098), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (214/214), done.
remote: Total 1098 (delta 885), reused 1071 (delta 859), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1098/1098), 4.33 MiB | 4.57 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (885/885), done.
PS D:\Codes> cd PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api
PS D:\Codes\PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api> git submodule update --init --recursive
Submodule '3rd/fmt' (https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt.git) registered for path '3rd/fmt'
Submodule '3rd/funchook' (https://github.com/kubo/funchook.git) registered for path '3rd/funchook'
Submodule '3rd/spdlog' (https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git) registered for path '3rd/spdlog'
Submodule '3rd/wasmtime' (https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime.git) registered for path '3rd/wasmtime'
Submodule '3rd/zycore' (https://github.com/zyantific/zycore-c.git) registered for path '3rd/zycore'
Submodule '3rd/zydis' (https://github.com/zyantific/zydis.git) registered for path '3rd/zydis'
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/fmt'...
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/funchook'...
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/spdlog'...
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/wasmtime'...
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/zycore'...
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/zydis'...
Submodule path '3rd/fmt': checked out '8e62172ab6742c0e399d906456f54c927ebd4f3a'
Submodule path '3rd/funchook': checked out '0b6fdd10d543c80fbecb61ca515e6cb6622c080b'
Submodule path '3rd/spdlog': checked out '696db97f672e9082e50e50af315d0f4234c82397'
Submodule path '3rd/wasmtime': checked out '7c9547f905c04a2d7ab23fe20f26377997266a7b'
Submodule 'crates/c-api/wasm-c-api' (https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasm-c-api) registered for path '3rd/wasmtime/crates/c-api/wasm-c-api'
Submodule 'crates/wasi-common/WASI' (https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI) registered for path '3rd/wasmtime/crates/wasi-common/WASI'
Submodule 'crates/wasi-nn/spec' (https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-nn) registered for path '3rd/wasmtime/crates/wasi-nn/spec'
Submodule 'tests/spec_testsuite' (https://github.com/WebAssembly/testsuite) registered for path '3rd/wasmtime/tests/spec_testsuite'
Submodule 'tests/wasi_testsuite/wasi-common' (https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-testsuite.git) registered for path '3rd/wasmtime/tests/wasi_testsuite/wasi-common'
Submodule 'tests/wasi_testsuite/wasi-threads' (https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-threads) registered for path '3rd/wasmtime/tests/wasi_testsuite/wasi-threads'
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/wasmtime/crates/c-api/wasm-c-api'...
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/wasmtime/crates/wasi-common/WASI'...
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/wasmtime/crates/wasi-nn/spec'...
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/wasmtime/tests/spec_testsuite'...
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/wasmtime/tests/wasi_testsuite/wasi-common'...
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/wasmtime/tests/wasi_testsuite/wasi-threads'...
Submodule path '3rd/wasmtime/crates/c-api/wasm-c-api': checked out 'c9d31284651b975f05ac27cee0bab1377560b87e'
Submodule path '3rd/wasmtime/crates/wasi-common/WASI': checked out '0ba0c5e2e37625ca5a6d3e4255a998dfaa3efc52'
Submodule path '3rd/wasmtime/crates/wasi-nn/spec': checked out 'e2310b860db2ff1719c9d69816099b87e85fabdb'
Submodule path '3rd/wasmtime/tests/spec_testsuite': checked out '7ef86ddeed81458f9031a49a40b3a3f99c1c6a8a'
Submodule path '3rd/wasmtime/tests/wasi_testsuite/wasi-common': checked out '09517e50cc47179208f9c681772a6eba617fbddd'
Submodule path '3rd/wasmtime/tests/wasi_testsuite/wasi-threads': checked out 'e1893c00458de3e846f02c9cd2a435992ea8b32c'
Submodule path '3rd/zycore': checked out 'a2fc93e46173e55d9e0596412e68b893228afdf1'
Submodule path '3rd/zydis': checked out '15e38ac36fa4a84dde0fc6ae973d33c22e9521e9'
Submodule 'dependencies/zycore' (https://github.com/zyantific/zycore-c) registered for path '3rd/zydis/dependencies/zycore'
Cloning into 'D:/Codes/PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api/3rd/zydis/dependencies/zycore'...
Submodule path '3rd/zydis/dependencies/zycore': checked out 'f98abdfa0d0f4acfdf7994e06ce3aeaf5ae060cd'
PS D:\Codes\PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api>

Depending on the version, the output may differ.

Step 6 - Build this project

Locate this project directory in explorer, In our case it is D:\Codes\PalWorld-Server-Unoffical-Api

Hold Shift and right-click empty space in this folder and select "Open PowerShell Window Here" to open a PowerShell window.

Now just run xmake -y, xmake should do it all for you!


I assume that Linux users generally have more basic knowledge

You need a compiler supports at least C++20, git, rust development environment, and xmake.

please check https://xmake.io/#/guide/installation https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install

Please remember git submodule update --init --recursive, otherwise the compilation will not be successful.