
✉️ A very simple tool that copies the content from one Mailbox to another. Useful when migrating email accounts between different servers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Easily migrate an email account to another server using NodeJS.


Create an index.js file, using index.example.js as a template:

const Migrator = require('../lib/Migrator')

const fromConfig = {
  host: 'myawesomesite.com',
  port: 993, 
  user: 'from@myawesomesite.com',
  pass: 'password',
  requireTLS: true

const toConfig = {
  host: 'myothersite.com',
  port: 993,
  user: 'to@myothersite.com',
  pass: 'password',
  requireTLS: true

const migrator = new Migrator(fromConfig, toConfig)

migrator.init().then(async () => {
  await migrator.migrate()
  console.log('migration complete')

Save the file and then run npm run dev (probably will be changed to a different command).