
PAM based X11 screen locker that hides desktop content

Primary LanguagePython

Custom version for EFRITS, a french computer science school. Quick and dirty patched to allow to compile it on our computers and to allow a escape key press to kill all processes and disconnect the current user.


xtrlock-pam is PAM based X11 screen locker that hides desktop content.


  • PAM based
    • use any PAM module you like
    • run by regular user, no root setuid is ever required
  • Background actions
    • blank blank the screen, hide desktop content
    • none do not hide anything, as former xtrlock did
    • bg hide windows, show just root window background. This work if root window has one.


Run xtrlock-pam to lock, and type your password to unlock.

$ xtrlock-pam -h
xtrlock-pam 3.3 - PAM based X11 screen locker
Usage: xtrlock-pam [options...]
 -h      This help message
 -p MOD  PAM module, default is 'system-local-login'
 -b BG   background action, none, blank or bg, default is bg

Default is

$ xtrlock-pam
$ xtrlock-pam -p system-local-login -b bg


# system install - as root
make install
# personal install - as user
cp src/xtrlock-pam ~/bin


Project page http://aanatoly.github.io/xtrlock-pam