- This is Hangman.
- Navigating to the ** (Where to find page) will reveal a layout of a welcome, instructions, an image for the hangman, score tracking and buttons of the alphabet.
- Users can either click or tap a letter to try to find the hidden cryptoCurrency that is randomly chosen.
- Keeps a continuous score to track how well the user does.
- ** this game is not easy
You can play the game HERE!
- A random word is chosen to start the game.
- Choose a letter that you think is in the word.
- If the letter is in the word, You are one step closer to solving the word.
- If the letter is not in the word, You will get a new piece of the man in the noose.
- Reveal the word to gain a win score.
- You have 5 chances to avoid hanging and freeing your man.
- Run out of chances and your man will end up in the noose.
I used two different styles to code the HTML.
- JavaScript to perform loops, "if" statements, and a couple of getElemnetById's.
- jQuery to make use of an easy to use catalog of options of changing the *HTML.
Two screenshots.
- Mobile screenshots on the left and right
- Middle screenshot is what it looks like on a full sized screen
Contributions to the word bank are accepted. Please use all capital letters to maintain the ease of comparing inside the actual code. If you have a design suggestion, I stayed with a simple Black & White design and will accept any improvements along those color lines. If you have *Xcode experience and can make it accessible for iOS users if would be appreciated.
WorldCoinIndex is where I found the list of words of the top 100 coins by volume
- Dameon Mendoza - JavaScipt/jQuery - Dameon Mendoza