
WDI Project 1

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##The Block Memo Game!

This is a classic version of a mind game. It starts with having boxes flash on the screen and you have to try and guess those blocks. Just similar to any other mind game.

#####Play my Game here

The Rules of the Game

On the start of the game, red squares will flash once in sequence.

The idea is to try to remember the where the red square blocks appears on the display.

####Instructions / How it works:

  1. Wait for the A.I (computer) to flash 2 blocks on the screen.

  2. Try to remember the block that has flashed and implement it on the display.

  3. If you get it right, you go to the level. If not, you try again and again untill you get it.

  4. At the next level the board duplicates and also the number of guess blocks increases by one.

[View snapshot](/Users/Dami/Desktop/Screen Shot 2015-07-15 at 16.03.10.png)

###Design Thinking Process

#####Day 1 of Project. I was really excited when i heard that we will be given a weekend project. After the assignment was revealed, i was elated and just wanted to get started. The way i do things is usually visual coming from a graphic design background.

Started off with the project researching into the types of game i wanted to focus on. I came up with a list of games: • Football Penalty shoot • Basketball Hoops • Teris • Piano tiles

I really liked the idea of piano tiles so i went with that. We were introduced to a TO_DO LIST website call Trello. First time hearing of that but i had used a similar plan layout before and still do.

Having done a lot of research on the game i decided i needed to test out my skill. Started with writing a lot of things i needed to do on a list on Trello.

I started coding a few bit after writing my suedo code. I started off by testing a few jquery commands. Some worked and other didn’t. I knew i was doing something wrong but i couldn’t figure it out.

#####Day 2 of Project.

A classmate suggested going on a website called ‘codepen’ which was really helpful. At the time i had not heard of it. I later discovered that the code i was struggling with is actually on the site laid bear. I tried to copy it to make sense of it but it didn’t understand. I didn’t want a situation where i would not be able to explain how i arrived at the code when called at. It was at the point i realised i was probably making something a little too complicated.

I decided to get help from my tutor which helped me rethink about my project. I worked intensely with them and finally came up with a game i called THE BLOCK-MEMO Game.

On occasions i had to go back to help refactor my code to check if it was broken. Many times i did something which made the game to stop working and will have redo my action severally.

It was a really challenge creating and using the elements on the HTML page because everything was memory based in the jquery. Tried creating classes and element using the same functions in jquery but it wouldn’t work.

#####Day 3 of Project.

Worked on styling with the css and got there in the end although i had to change a lot pf things. This has caused my game to be less responsive which is a bit annoying. was able to get the sound working so that when a player wins you hear a triumphant sound and when a player looses you hear a gameover sound.

I have learnt a lot through saving your elements in a jquery memory:

  1. The Advantages is that you can create a code that is Super unique to you and no one will be able to break into your code unless they take the time to read your suedo code.

  2. The Disadvantage is if you break your code and get lost in the functions you will need to debugger it yourself or scrap and start all over again.

I am gonna go back to the codepen library and try to build my own Piano tiles games in my spare time.

Have fun playing!