
Simple tool to test for SSRF/OOB HTTP Read within the Path of a request

Primary LanguagePython


Hey, this project is archived! You should use one of my other tools. Check this out, its mightier: https://github.com/Damian89/extended-ssrf-search

Simple "OOB Read/SSRF" via Path"-Scanner

Quick and dirty, based on a finding some days ago which allowed access to the internal network of a known company. It basically sends a request to a host while replacing the path with a burp collaborator payload. Then you just have to watch if something pops up in the client. This tool only handles the path injection point, nothing else!


That command grabs all urls and sends GET requests with 5 threads:

python3 simple-oob-scanner.py -b 31337.burpcollaborator.net -u example/url_list.txt

That one just uses 25 threads, a higher request timeout and POST instead of GET:

python3 simple-oob-scanner.py -b 31337.burpcollaborator.net -u example/url_list.txt -t 25 -to 10 -m POST

Using the commands above, the tool create hostbased burl urls, like:

  • test-domain1.com.31337.burpcollaborator.net
  • test-domain2.com.31337.burpcollaborator.net
  • test-domain3.com.31337.burpcollaborator.net

That way you can see easily which domain/host is vulnerable within your burp collaborator client.


There are cases were only 31337.burpcollaborator.net will result in a http request to burp or you want to use you own server/domain. In that case there is the following option (-wbe):

python3 simple-oob-scanner.py -b my-server.com -wbe -u example/url_list.txt -t 25 -to 10 -m POST

How it looks like

Here you can see the tool in action.


The response is visible within burp:


simple-oob-scanner -h

usage: simple-oob-scanner.py [-h] -b BURPURL [-wbe] -u URLLIST
                             [-t MAX_THREADS] [-to TIMEOUT]
                             [-m {GET,get,POST,post,HEAD,headPUT,put,OPTIONS,options,DELETE,delete}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BURPURL, --burp-url BURPURL
  -wbe, --without-burp-extension
                        Do not prepend hostname before burpurl
  -u URLLIST, --urllist URLLIST
                        Path to url list
                        Max. threads, default: 5
  -to TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Timeout in seconds for each request, default: 3
  -m {GET,get,POST,post,HEAD,headPUT,put,OPTIONS,options,DELETE,delete}, --method {GET,get,POST,post,HEAD,headPUT,put,OPTIONS,options,DELETE,delete}


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