
Simple Symfony bundle for twig template live reload

Primary LanguagePHP



  • This bundle require NodeJS on your system and added to your %PATH%

1 Add the bundle to your vendor


Note: still in beta so load from the repository

Add this config below in your composer.json

	"repositories": [
			"type": "vcs",
			"url": "https://github.com/Damian972/reload-bundle"
	"require-dev": {
		"damian972/reload-bundle": "dev-master"

then run:

composer update

2 Register the bundle in config/bundles.php

$bundles = [
    Damian972\ReloadBundle\ReloadBundle::class => ['dev' => true],

3 Set the bundle's config in config/packages/dev/reload.yaml (optional)

    server_port: 8080 # default: 8088

4 Add required npm packages

php bin/console reload:configure


npm update

5 You're ready to go

php bin/console reload:watch